刚从她的下垂获胜,鱿鱼游戏的Hoyeon Jung排队了她的下一个项目。她将加入Cate Blanchett,Sacha Baron Cohen,Kodi Smit-McPhee和Kevin Kline,并参加Alfonso Cuaron即将上映的Apple TV+系列,免责声明。这是连续排队的很多知名人士,现在列表包括Hoyeon。布兰切特(Blanchett)饰演凯瑟琳(Catherine),凯瑟琳(Catherine)是一位纪录片人,她开始阅读w夫(克莱恩(Kline))的手稿,她震惊地找到了她过去长期埋葬的事件的细节。Hoyeon将扮演Kim,Kim是Catherine的员工之一,寻找她的大休息。Cuaron正在撰写和导演该系列,适应蕾妮·奈特(Renee Knight)最畅销的同名小说。

我非常有兴趣看看Cuaron的作用免责声明,因为这是一本非常受欢迎的书,有着广泛讨厌的结局。我敢肯定,那里有人喜欢结局,但是我从未见过一个人,我不是一个人。(这是因为像免责声明I am often slow to read contemporary novels, everyone promises they’re sooooo good and then I drop everything to read it and it doesn’t live up to the hype.) But the basic premise IS good, with the mysterious manuscript and the Big Secret and the thrillery nature of the plot that lends itself well to cinema. I just wonder if Cuaron will try to “fix” the ending. Probably not, as Renee Knight is one of the executive producers, and it’s a rare writer who can truly take Hollywood’s money and run, and not try to “protect” their book in translation. Should be interesting to see how it all turns out, and in the meantime, I’m glad to see the cast of鱿鱼游戏只是继续获胜。
