我在一月份错过了它,当时它证实了西耶娜·米勒(Sienna Miller)有一个新男朋友。昨天,他们一起去了巴黎,她预计将参加路易威登秀。他的名字叫卢卡斯·兹韦纳(Lucas Zwirner),现年27岁。他的家人拥有美术馆。根据去年的W此w档案,在2015年,耶鲁·卢卡斯(Yale Lucas)几乎直接加入了家族企业,以每年25本书发行的目标扩大其出版部门,重点是“写作与视觉艺术的交汇处”。

Do you ever play this game with friends or family, like at the airport, someplace where it’s not obvious what a person’s interests and backgrounds are (at a sporting event, for example, it’s not as much fun because the fact that they’re at the game already gives you a detail), and you try to guess what a stranger’s name is and what they do? Lucas Zwirner looks like a Lucas. I feel like Lucas would have come up in my guesses along with Nicholas, Nathan, and Ethan. But if you were only going by these pictures, would you have given him the job description above? Family business? Definitely. I don’t know that it would have been art and literature though. I probably would have said that his family has finance connections and he’s also, LOL, a part-time DJ. For some reason, Ansel Elgort keeps popping up in my mind. Does he remind you of Ansel Elgort? I mean that’s why the game is so fun. Kinda like Photo Assumption – most of the time you’re wrong, but the speculation is rooted in SOMEthing, and how you see the world, and there can be a takeaway there.

So Sienna is dating a member of the NYC art and lit scene, the kind of person I’m thinking would certainly impress her arty and edgy friend Justin Theroux (also a Louis Vuitton ambassador) since, you know, that’s the kind of crowd he was missing so much when he was forced to live in boring, healthy Los Angeles with Jennifer Aniston.