Empire Magazine’s new issue致力于Chadwick Boseman,采访了他的合作者,同事和共同主角。其中一个人是西耶娜米勒。他们工作了21 Bridges一起和赭色分享了她如何登录电影的故事以及查德威克的支持。

赭色解释说,谁是生产者21 Bridges,asked her to be in it and told her that he admired her work – which meant a lot to her because…obviously. At the time though, Sienna didn’t really want to be back on set. She was tired, she’d been working back to back and her daughter was quite young. Here’s how it all came together:

“I didn't know whether or not to tell this story, and I haven't yet. But I am going to tell it, because I think it's a testament to who he was,” Miller says. “This was a pretty big budget film, and I know that everybody understands about the pay disparity in Hollywood, but I asked for a number that the studio wouldn't get to. And because I was hesitant to go back to work and my daughter was starting school and it was an inconvenient time, I said, ‘I’ll do it if I'm compensated in the right way.’ And Chadwick ended up donating some of his salary to get me to the number that I had asked for. He said that that was what I deserved to be paid.”


First of all, obviously, this speaks to Chadwick Boseman’s integrity, his values, his allyship. And reminds us, not that anyone should need to be reminded, of what a tremendous loss it is that he’s gone. Yesterday marked one month since his passing and it still doesn’t seem real – and now, with Sienna’s story, it seems as though we haven’t yet fully appreciated the scope of his loss, because there are likely more accounts like this that will emerge of how he tried to make change, how he pushed for fairness, and how profoundly massive his absence is and will be.


He DONATED HIS SALARY which….he shouldn’t have had to!


So it’s a bad, bad, BAD look on the studio. Chadwick made his “donation” because the studio wouldn’t pay Sienna’s full fee. That their star and producer, a Black actor in an industry that historically hasn’t exactly helped Black performers, had to dip into his own fee to secure the right actor for the project is… like… how are they not embarrassed?!

What’s especially heartbreaking about this situation is that Chadwick gets it (he understood that she was asking to be compensated and why: because if she’s going to take time away from her child, it better be WORTH IT) but clearly so many other people don’t. We may be moving towards a more modern division of domestic labour but we’re still living in a time when women – in Hollywood and beyond – are the ones taking on the majority of the work at home, with parenting and other responsibilities. That’s especially true now, during this pandemic,随着妇女被推出劳动力因为他们必须牺牲自己的职业生涯为他们的家人。薪酬差距意味着当父母必须决定谁留下回家时,往往是保留工作的人,因为他们更多地得到补偿。但如果没有女性在工作场所,那么赔偿,环境有多么多样化,而且没有多样化的环境,所做的工作有多有效?代表性是如何为客户提供的客户的工作场所,他们正在生产的产品?除非态度发生变化,除非工作场所承诺为所有员工提供欢迎的工作文化,否则这个小牛-T将继续。这也是多样性和夹杂物。

查德威克Boseman试图拉起黄土千r. It’s clear, even though she doesn’t spell it out, that the studio wasn’t coming through, and so in order to make his movie happen, and in order to do it in a way that the best actor for the role could be a part of it, he made a “donation”. I wonder what the studio executives who shut Sienna and Chadwick down are thinking today as they reflect back on those conversations, and what will happen the next time they have a similar conversation.



这就是我们不应该错过她对她所做的方式围绕她的故事 - 她不一定是羞辱世界的马克华尔伯格,以免捐出他们的工资。这不应该是前进的方向。然而,前进的方式应该是更多的男性演员,如Chadwick与他们的女性同行一起站立并倡导支付平等。不仅仅是出于宽限或尊重或善意,而且因为数字的权力。

你知道为什么朋友抛弃着名人的报酬 - 很多?因为他们一起做了。因为那么电力偏移。然后是老板,老板,不能将每个人孤立到他们各自的孤独的角落里,并在中间拿出锅。这是采取现状的唯一方法。即使是Chadwick Boseman,也是他的所有成功,特别是之后黑豹,didn’t have enough power to get the studio to a place where they could meet Sienna’s fee. Ultimately it takes community. More people who are willing to stand up like Chadwick in those rooms.

与此同时,你知道我希望我们看到了什么?让我们不再问Sienna了解这一点 - 她说她要说什么。问她未来的男性剑架。在她的下一个项目中询问男性领先。问他他正在做什么来消除薪酬差距。问他对Chadwick的想法是什么。

For more on Chadwick Boseman in Empire,点击这里