
Shonda Rhimes is going to get me to April and springtime in North America. Sarah’s got you covered later today on布里奇顿season two which is coming in March. But before that, another Shondaland production,Inventing Anna,2月11日在Netflix上下降。

Inventing Annais the first series that Shonda has created herself sinceScandal。它基于安娜·索罗金(Anna Sorokin)又名安娜·德尔维(Anna Delvey)的真实故事,并根据杰西卡·波斯特勒(Jessica Pressler1zplaypublished in 2018。I just re-read it this weekend after the trailer for the show came out a few days ago and if you haven’t already, I highly recommend as homework before the series begins. Jessica Pressler, you’ll note, also reported onHustlers那篇文章成为了电影。

How did Anna do it? Well, how did Elizabeth Holmes do it? How did Adam and Rebekah Neumann (WeWork) do it? This is more than just being good at lying, it’s lie management. It’s lie and stress management. Or, maybe, it’s lying without stress management. You ever use a fake ID when you were a kid to get into a bar? Maybe the TikTok generation doesn’t do this anymore but this was a thing back in my day and I remember the f-cking stress, the cold sweat hitting my back, during those ten seconds waiting to see if the fake ID could get me through. There have been times when I’ve had that cold sweat on the back feeling even when I’m not lying. Like when I’d RSVP for an event and make it to the front of the line to check in with the door person and their clipboard and they’re looking to find my name. Those were the times when I was still going to every film festival party in Cannes and at TIFF, as a gossip columnist writing about the celebrities who’d be there – and my anxiety was about whether or not they’d know about my blog and what I was writing and not give me access and it would be embarrassing to be turned away in front of all the people waiting outside trying to talk their way in.

Is that switch turned off in the Anna Sorokins and the Elizabeth Holmeses of the world? Of course their lies took them to big highs – a privileged lifestyle, unlimited access to the most exclusive experiences, people believing you’re someone that they have to know – but for a regular person with a conscience, those highs would be accompanied by deep lows. At least they would for me. I’d be too busy worrying about being caught to actually enjoy the gains from my lies.

Anna’s fraud was extreme. But there are small frauds that happen every day, all around us, especially on social media. Did you watchSingles Inferno? The breakout star ofSingles Inferno是Song Ji-A,他在从香奈儿(Chanel)到迪奥(Dior)到路易·威登(Louis Vuitton)的演出中穿着头到脚趾的设计师标签,就像每一件衣服都是奢侈的一样。大概是这样。原来很多衣服和配件were knock-offsandshe’s now had to apologisefor misleading the audience. What’s also interesting is the difference in reaction to her being exposed for her counterfeit fashion. In the west, it’s probably not enough to get you cancelled. In Korea though, the fact that she misrepresented herself through her wardrobe is much more offensive.

This is obviously not to say that what Ji-a did is even in the same neighbourhood of Anna Sorokin’s scams. Anna’s lies hurt a lot of people. Friends of hers went into debt because of her f-cksh-t. But she did create an illusion. Through smoke and mirrors and, yes, sometimes Instagram, she led people to believe she was someone she wasn’t. And a lot of people wanted to believe that illusion. As Jessica Pressler wrote:

“安娜看着纽约的灵魂,并认识到,如果您用闪亮的物体分散人们的注意1zplay力,大量现金,有财富的标志,如果您向他们展示了钱,他们将几乎看不到其他任何东西。事实是:It was so easy。”

Maybe that’s what’s so unsettling. Not that Anna Sorokin conned so many people – because there are new con artists creating themselves all the time – but that the world is set up for their cons to actually work.

去年Febr安娜Sorokin获释uary and was promptly back on Instagram. It was reported that she changed her name. A month later she was detained by American immigration authorities and根据ABC的说法他们正在考虑驱逐她。她正在尝试留在美国,因为她坚持认为自己从未有过不良的意图。她坚持认为自己正在尝试建立成员的俱乐部,并可能沿途犯了错误,但她从来没有任何伤害。现在她想“重写”她的故事。只要看看Shonda关于预告片的推文:

Totally fabulous… or totally fake? The fact that “fabulous” is one of the options tells you the celebrity potential here. And the controversy that will follow.

“Anna Delvey is a masterpiece, bitches”. Jessica Pressler was so right. It was SO EASY.

