在过去的周末包括电视节目的漫画中,在Comic-Con中首次公告。为了安抚他们的企业霸主,Marvel正在为迪士尼+开发一堆有限的系列,这是与以前的奇迹电视产品不同,将完全集成在MCU中。电视节目到这一点一直是MCU的继德里德,放弃了寄宿学校,但不再是。为了让迪士尼+的产品培养,奇迹正在从中开始扭转MCU中心。猎鹰和冬季士兵,这是在2020年秋天到期的(这应该在今年晚些时候开始拍摄)。星星Anthony Mackie和Sebastian Stan突然进入H大厅,以除了他们的化学外,绝对没有任何东西表现出这个节目。老实说,这就是大多数人都需要看到。Jeremy Renner.also stopped by to show us the logo for the Hawkeye show that isn’t happening until 2021. Tom Hiddleston can show up with nothing to talk about because people f-cking love Loki, but no one is checking for Hawkeye, not even me, a Hawkeye fan. Jeremy Renner is not popular enough to pull this off. I guess we should just be glad he didn’t sing at us.

我对所有这些Marvel的理解是他们将是一次性有限系列,每组5-6小时,所以猎鹰和冬季士兵基本上是美国队长4.我假设,愿意处理Sam Wilson来到新的帽子。他们确实证实,Daniel Bruhl将作为Baron Zemo返回,可以说是复仇者面临的最成功的恶棍。(Some would say Thanos, but Thanos never would have succeeded in the first place if Zemo hadn’t broken up the Avengers first.) I’m not super invested in Sam Wilson’s journey, mainly because I am not sold on Anthony Mackie as a leading man, but I am interested to see what happens to Bucky. Send his ass into space! They have a base up there now and everything. And you KNOW Sebastian Stan would love it, he’s a big ass space nerd. Since they’re not going to do Bucky as Captain America, let’s do Space Assassin Bucky instead. It’s all I want from this TV series. Send Bucky To Space 2020.