Yesterday afternoon, Instagram influencer Sumner Stroh posted a TikTok alleging that last year she had an affair with Adam Levine, who is married to Behati Prinsloo, and after not hearing from him for a few months, he contacted her again via DM. (We will get to that DM in a minute.)



™¬原始声音-Sumner Stroh

Rock stars (like professional athletes and other famous men) are constantly caught cheating, it is pretty much assumed that they all cheat. This is extra scandalous because Behati is expecting their third child. Reading through comments about this, the consensus is that Adam was and is a dog.

据报道,萨姆纳是21或23,具体取决于您所指的网站。第六页与萨姆纳(Sumner)交谈and lists her at 21. By her account, they had an affair for a year, when she graduated college in 2021, and then stopped talking for a number of months. She said she felt “exploited” and “easily manipulated” and mentions that “my morals were unknowingly compromised.” A few years ago, Sumner would have been called a homewrecker and a slut and everyone would move on, but the conversation has slightly shifted. (Of course there are people who will still blame her, but there’s a lot more pushback than there was in the past.) Is it cool to f-ck around with a married person? Nope. But the responsibility is on him even though he did give her a plausible explanation (more on that below). I think there are many celebrity marriages that operate on an arrangement (and cheating is rampant in those circles in LA) - add in the fame/money/power dynamic and it is a lopsided situation.


萨姆纳说,她被迫挺身而出的原因之一是因为亚当·戴姆(Adam DM)是因为他想给他的新宝宝和她相同的名字。严重地!严重地!!!!严重地!!!!!!这是什么样的精神错乱的连环杀手行为?谁将对他们的配偶做谁?!?!?!?!?!?!?

But the DM isn’t what tipped her over the edge – Sumner shared the DMs with friends and one of them tried to sell to the tabloids (who then likely went poking around, which is how Sumner found out). So, yes, she was being sloppy but this is the kind of scenario you’d share with close friends. Here is her second video in which she responds to comments about him being married and the timeline.


回复 @alanasanders89解决了我希望在第一部视频中说过的一些事情

™¬原始声音-Sumner Stroh


It’s not hard to see why Sumner believed him. And if we are going to go down the “they were over” route, remember that big splashy house they showed off in Architectural Digestas their forever home in August 2021, only to list it in March 2022? Celebrity real estate can be the surest sign that something is going on in the marriage and on2022年5月11日在名人社交媒体上, 我写:


Sorry to quote myself (asshole move!) but the timing is interesting as Sumner said the affair started in 2021 when she graduated from college (let’s assume spring/summer) and lasted a year which would bring it into spring/summer 2022–maybe the selling of the house was prompted by marital troubles? It might have been purely financial (they buy and sell homes pretty frequently) but between that, Adam surprising Behati on Ellen for Mother’s Day (grand gesture) and the pregnancy, there could definitely have been issues at home. Or, Behati had no idea and was just living her life like her husband is a scummy cliché.



Adam has taken his side to TMZ并否认身体上的事。萨姆纳(Sumner)舒适地放下收据,所以如果他撒谎,他就会冒险。萨姆纳说,这件事是“身体上的”,她有世界上所有的动力来证明这一点。小报会付钱给她,她不想看着那个被DM侧面件吸引的愚蠢女孩。此外,亚当没有能力处理一代在线侦探。

Clearly, besides the affair (online or IRL), something is seriously wrong with his thought process. It is Adam who went and poked the bear by DM’ing her again. Like WHY would you DM someone that holds a secret that could blow up your life after a long period of no contact? Why would he put it in writing? That kind of reckless behaviour screams that there’s a deeper issue – ego and arrogance for sure. But not even the most coddled celebrity would think getting caught cheating on his pregnant wife is OK. Not even a narcissist would think that, right? It’s an extra layer of scummy, even from someone not held in particularly high esteem.


亚当·莱文(Adam Levine)'s Instagram Story