在我的帖子结束时Lady Gaga’s British Vogue cover story last week如果它不是Gaga,我想介绍谁会涵盖美国的时尚,在12月份的问题中。它会是一个专业的吗?我们昨天发现了 - 它是Sarah Jessica Parker:

这是一个伟大的镜头。镜头有利于褂子,这是Dolce&Gabbana - 这不是几个月前还没有官方正如我在夏天写的那样,但现在D&G不正式回来,他们回到顶部。安娜Wintour为此封面做出这一决定,为他们的一个碎片展示了这种方式,由Sarah Jessica Parker领先于高度预期的系列释放就像那样这是几年后时装房子的主要胜利。而且,它本身就是争议的,因为有许多人认为D&G只有表现变化。但是,在行业中有这么多盟友,如此多的名人 - 就像SJP和JLO一样 - 为他们的大时刻选择D&G,它们lol比赛视频2019显然并不担心批评。

至于SJP和Vogue,好吧,这是有道理的。Carrie Bradshaw是她时代的时尚象,她正试图成为这次时尚的图标。时尚是一个主角欲望都市而时尚将作为主角返回就像那样。SJP和Carrie是纽约市,因为它是美国的。1zplay这是12月问题的理解选择,即使采访本身并不是那么令人信服,肯定不会像尖叫的那样富有洞察力,而且最近的时刻都是尖叫的时刻。


如果你正在寻找八卦,那么这里没有什么。lol赛事中心SJP的目标是销售新系列,以确保Carrie和公司在20世纪90年代末和2000年代的20世纪80年代的文化时刻。我们在这个时尚作品中反复讲述,其中20多岁和30s的女性被塑造欲望都市并不能等待这些新的故事被告知。我们旨在相信Gen Z通过流媒体和嘉莉长大就像那样将与年轻人共鸣,因为它与女性将与Carrie,Miranda和Charlotte相同。我们正在放心,与原始系列不同,就像那样不仅仅是关于特权的白人女性,而是将有一系列来自不同背景和经验的人,也包括在作家室中。

There’s also a significant amount of advance pushback against the haters and critics who might not think that these characters are relevant anymore based on age.

“The fact that most of the women having sex on the show are now in their 50s, is, in and of itself, a pretty radical proposition in the current TV landscape. “When we announced And Just Like That…, there were a lot of positive reactions, but one bitchy response online was people sharing pictures of the Golden Girls. And I was like, ‘Wow, so it’s either you’re 35, or you’re retired and living in Florida. There’s a missing chapter here,’” [Michael Patrick] King tells me. “I like that we’re not trying to youthify the show. We’re not including, like, a 21-year-old niece,” [Cynthia] Nixon says. “I think it’s revolutionary to do a show about middle-aged women, with their aging lady bodies,” [new staff writer Samantha] Irby says.”

当然这很棒就像那样将显示中年妇女在他们所有的活力,having sex and living full and complete lives. I don’t mean to be petty but, um, they were kind of doing this before. Kim Cattrall’s Samantha Jones, after all, was basically 50 when the show ended. Kim aka Samantha doesn’t come up during the interview, not surprisingly, but when I read the aging section in the piece, my mind went to Sam because this new series may be a chance at course correction from how certain aging topics were handled back then. You’ll recall, Samantha was going through menopause during the second movie and, well, the storyline was played for comic relief with Carrie and Miranda not really taking Samantha’s hormonal issues all that seriously. I mean, there was a lot wrong with that movie, both movies, actually, that they’ll be trying to account for this time around – and it’s not like they get to pretend like the movies didn’t exist, because they’re canon. Carrie and Big were married in the movies, not when Sex and the City ended, so they’re definitely picking up from after that point.

尽管如此,这里的动机是驱动的预期 -就像那样是最大的最大的冠军季节之一,这个假期为HBO Max,很可能以与今年早些时候的朋友重聚相同的强度。在查看SJP在Vogue中看到它是更兴奋的吗?点击这里to read the full piece.