这是情人节的周末,本着爱的精神,我在这里成为莱尼阿波罗的达芙妮,粉碎了她所有的希望和梦想1zplay嫁给我吧, the rom-com starring Jennifer Lopez as她自己篮板上的流行歌星和欧文·威尔逊(Owen Wilson)作为一个人。我尝试过,我真的试图拍这部电影。我非常喜欢它,因为我喜欢rom-coms,而我在这里进行rom-com复兴。即使我认为洛佩兹更适合像Karen Cisco这样的角色看不见,在其中浪漫的动作和思维游戏带有动作和思维游戏,并在甜蜜的角度放了很多酸,我认识到洛佩兹似乎喜欢这些类型的电影并扮演这些甜蜜的角色(这并不适合她)。她的热情很明显,可以弥补很多嫁给我吧

它从铸件开始。洛佩兹并不真正适合这种无害的绒毛,但她至少可以从她自己凯特·瓦尔迪兹(Kat Valdez)是一位热门的流行歌星,尽管众多忠实的粉丝,他还是渴望接受奖项。凯特(Kat)的最新热门歌曲是一首名为“ Marry Me”的歌曲,他与她的幕后合作伙伴Bastian(Maluma,表现不佳,但基本上只是在屏幕上)。凯特(Kat)和巴斯蒂安(Bastian)计划在一场音乐会上嫁给舞台,只有在他们登上舞台之前的那一刻,巴斯蒂安(Bastian)被第六页淘汰,因为她与助手一起在凯特(Kat)作弊。Humiliated, Kat delivers a rousing speech on stage, the conclusion of which should be, “And so I don’t need to get married, because I am enough,” but what she REALLY does is point to some dope holding a sign in the audience and marry him to complete the bit.

这就是演员失败的地方,因为欧文·威尔逊(Owen Wilson)不适合成为观众的兴奋剂。欧文·威尔逊(Owen Wilson)的精力表明,内心的生活与他的外在陈述略微不同步,这就是为什么他作为韦斯·安德森(Wes Anderson)折磨的男孩之一的出色工作。欧文·威尔逊(Owen Wilson)正在尽力而为,但实际上,他将这个问题与洛佩兹(Lopez)不太适合这样的角色更加复杂。Their chemistry isn’t bad, but they’re bringing out the latent Something in each other, making it seem like every interaction is loaded with some subtext, like a shootout ought to break out just around the corner, or she’s actually a spy and he’s her handler (THAT movie, I would watch ten times).嫁给我吧需要一个真正的每个人,他们可以在没有潜台词的情况下出售诚意和甜蜜 - 这部电影需要保罗·鲁德(Paul Rudd)。他可以在没有其他事情的情况下扮演愚蠢的表面,这也可以帮助洛佩兹拨打可信的频率。

看,爱情是幻想。这是标准t of the allure of the genre. Guy meets girl, or girl meets girl, or they meets them, there’s a meet cute, a misunderstanding, a resolution, and all is well in the end. We’ve been telling these stories for basically ever. Fine. But the best rom-coms are grounded in some kernel of reality, a sense that the relationship could, if the stars aligned就是这样, actually happen. A famous actress could step into a bookstore and meet the regular guy of her dreams, a shop owner could make a connection online with the man trying to buy out her business, identities can be mistaken, the right person can be in the wrong place, and boom—romance happens.

But嫁给我吧超越信誉的界限,与说那样当你在睡觉的时候,这也延伸了可信度的外部限制嫁给我吧没有一个有趣的合奏来推动弱点和一对迷人的中央夫妇,尽管情况荒谬,但它使您相信浪漫。Lopez and Wilson, because they never seem quite in synch with the story they’re acting, just exacerbate the outlandishness of it all, and while the supporting players are decent enough—though Michelle Buteau does not get NEARLY enough screen time—the best part of the movie is during the credits. That is NEVER a good sign. (It’s the elder couple’s diaper joke, for the record.) And so, I cannot recommend嫁给我吧为您的情人节观看。如果您正在寻找“诺米(Normie)为超级巨星的恋人”,那实际上是好的,而且非常好的浪漫史星际斯特鲁克在HBO Max上。或只是看诺丁山,这个特定故事的最佳版本。
