Ambulance迈克尔湾(Michael Bay)立刻,也许是第一个进入海湾佳能(Bay Canon)的新阶段,湾(Bay)是当代时代最伟大的技术总监之一,也是最始终如一的超男性和爱国之一。与对警察的描绘以及对男性气质的警务和代表的态度不断变化的态度不断变化。是Ambulance一声,愚蠢的电影吗?是的!它是!很大声和extremely dumb! But it’s also a film that knows the old-fashioned appeal of a Movie Star, and a film that knows sometimes cars going zoom and guns going pew pew and a Movie Star mugging for the camera is extremely fun.

Ambulance实际上,有所有通常的bayhem东西,实际上是最大的bayhem,这部电影开始感觉像是被绑在一个失控的过山车中,还有成千上万的360盘和断断续续的切割,使动作中断了动作程度。老实说,我希望Bay(经常操作自己的相机的导演)会更长的时间,因为这里有一些一流的汽车追逐东西,但大部分动作都被编辑给了Smithereens。当然,我感谢杰克·吉伦哈尔(Jake Gyllenhaal)美丽的蓝眼睛(坦率地说是荒谬的睫毛)的特写镜头 - 但我也想对场景和基本动作地理学感有空间意识。海湾从救护车的内部中获得了最大的收益,但是整个汽车的追逐都会发生,汽车似乎从稀薄的空气中实现。偶尔看到建立镜头或广泛的大师来获得有关彼此相关的地方的看法,这是很高兴的。

But nobody does explosions and gun fights better than Bay, except Kathryn Bigelow, andAmbulance有很多爆炸和枪支的娱乐。的确,Ambulanceaspires to be little more than entertaining, and in that regard, it succeeds. Bay, working off a script by Chris Fedak (creator ofChuck)反过来,他从月球蒙克·彼得森(Laurits Munch-Petersen)改编了2005年的丹麦惊悚片,使一个基本上的小故事变得非常大。杰克·吉伦哈尔(Jake Gyllenhaal)饰演丹尼·夏普(Danny Sharp),丹尼·夏普(Danny Sharp)是一名银行抢劫犯,他的日常工作是某种有钱人礼宾。关于丹尼试图管理自己的日常工作时,有一个扎实的插科打gag,在抢劫危机中间,Ambulanceis quite funny at points (Gyllenhaal’s line deliveries are absurd to the point of brilliance). Yahya Abdul-Mateen II stars as Danny’s brother, Will, and yes, the film addresses the nature of their bond and Abdul-Mateen and Gyllenhaal have such good chemistry it’s easy to buy them as life-long friends turned brothers.

Needing money for his wife’s cancer treatment, Will joins Danny for a heist at the last minute, the promise of a life-changing score too much to resist. Will is also a veteran, which fits right into the Bay wheelhouse, though Bay makes an early and laborious point of how the system fails veterans, that a man like Will shouldn’t have to beg for help after serving his country. That’s right, the big bad is for-profit healthcare and America’s sh-t treatment of veterans, which is about as stringent as a Bay critique gets. The heist goes wrong, naturally, and Will and Danny end up in an ambulance with EMT Cam (Eiza Gonzalez) and a wounded cop. Chasing the ambulance is Captain Monroe (Garrett Dillahunt, having a blast), the leader of a special group of cops who investigate the movie-worthy crimes. These are Cool Cops™️ who drive fast cars and have quips! They’re worried about rush hour and collateral damage and ending this thing peaceably! But don’t worry, there’s still tons of property damage and probably a lot of collateral damage, the camera doesn’t stick anywhere long enough to tell for sure.

Ambulance’s biggest issue is just that, at two hours and ten minutes, it’s too long. Early in the film, a character says Cam is the best EMT in Los Angeles—do they have competitions for that, like lifeguards do?—and she can “keep anyone alive for 20 minutes”. You think this would set up a ticking clock element, that they have 20 minutes to deliver Cam and her patient to a hospital, or else the cop dies, but no. Cam’s life-limit has nothing to do with anything (the originalAmbulanceruns a lean 80 minutes), andAmbulancestretches a simple concept into a film that eventually becomes exhausting, despite the best efforts of Gyllenhaal and Dillahunt to keep the energy up. Abdul-Mateen and Gonzalez are stuck on the “glowering straight man” side of things, though they’re both very good at it, and Moses Ingram is entirely sidelined as Will’s distraught wife.

Ambulanceis a mostly fun chase movie that might recognize cops-and-robbers narratives have to adapt, or at the very least, motives must be interrogated. Besides the basic fact that people often root for the robbers in a heist movie—it’s a story, consequence free, we can gain catharsis through the bad guys doing things we would never dream of doing in real life—we also live in a world where we regularly hear about people shoplifting bread and baby formula. The world is broken, and we’re more aware of that than ever, and that awareness seems to have wormed its way into Bay’s filmmaking. No, Michael Bay is not “woke”, but there is evidence of a humanity rarely glimpsed in his films, at the heart of big, dumb, loudAmbulanceis a kernel of the Bay that made a testosterone-fueled American nightmare inPain and Gain。我们很少见到他的这一面,在持续的过程中享受它。

Ambulanceis exclusively in theaters from April 8, 2022.