So, I’m going to do something different than just reviewhocus pocus2。多年来,您可能已经看到我写了一些“情节是什么is happening, and story is为什么it’s happening”, and sometimes people will ask for more examples of that, and when I was watchinghocus pocus2, it occurred to me this is actually the perfect case study for plot versus story. I’m not here to change whathocus pocus2is. Demanding that a movie be something other than what it is, is a waste of time. Just admit you don’t like the movie and move onto one you do like.hocus pocus2是PG评级的遗产续集,是针对1993年原件的成年观众怀旧的,hocus pocus, and a new audience of tweens/young teens. That’s what we’re working with, in terms of tone. Style-wise,hocus pocus2保持原始的含糊不清的豪宅美感,在17世纪的女巫和现代融合了更丰富多彩的景象。该情节也是不可改变的:

Becca (Whitney Peak) is a witchy girl turning 16 on Halloween, who is tricked by local eccentric Gilbert (Sam Richardson) into bringing the Sanderson sisters back to present-day Salem, Massachusetts. Winifred (Bette Midler), Sarah (Sarah Jessica Parker), and Mary (Kathy Najimy) are still bent on huffing the souls of children in order to gain immortality and be free of the black flame candle curse that limits them to only one night of life. Along with that, Becca and her fellow witchy friend, Izzy (Belissa Escobedo), are in a tiff with Cassie (Lilia Buckingham), who has ditched them for her hot but dumb himbo boyfriend, Mike (Froy Gutierrez).

这部电影很愚蠢,充满了针对孩子的愚蠢笑话,而这部电影的特点是,这部电影的怪异却少得多。这太糟糕了,但是它确实带来了一个亲骑行的立场,当代人的感动和贝卡和Izzy被迈克(Mike)嘲笑了他们的水晶和仪式,但他们并没有被同学作为Total Weirdos所排斥。还,hocus pocus2now differentiates between light and dark magic, because the Satanic Panic is over and witchcraft is Pinterest-cool and they want the teens to be witches but not like, bad witches like the Sandersons. That’s all fine and good and we’re keeping all that.

Here's what we will change. The main theme ofhocus pocus2is that friendship is magic, literally, and Becca cannot defeat Winifred until she reconciles with Cassie and the three girls form a coven of their own to “share power”. On a purely logical level, we will better establish the group power of a coven in the Walgreen’s scene. Becca leading the Sandersons to the beauty counter for creams and moisturizers as a distraction from huffing kid souls is a great idea, perfectly demonstrating her cleverness. We then need a similar beat from Izzy, to show how she complements Becca, which could be delivered during the Walgreen’s fight, just any little moment of seeing Izzy do something creative on the fly to show these two are in synch and working together. They ultimately lose in the moment, though, because their coven is not complete, like the Sandersons.


第三首曲目属于吉尔伯特(Gilbert),他错误地认为桑德森(Sandersons)是原始女权主义者,例如对“巫婆”的现代解释是女性独立和权力的象征。他与Billy Butcherson(Doug Jones)和Traske市长(Tony Hale)撕裂了城镇,试图找到自己的成人解决方案,以解决吉尔伯特(Gilbert)所遇到的问题。吉尔伯特(Gilbert)消失了电影的一部分,但是通过与比利(Billy)和市长(Billy)和市长组合,所有这些愉快的角色仍然参与了故事并加强了主题 - 友谊是魔术。孤独的吉尔伯特(Gilbert),开朗但奇怪的市长特拉斯克(Traske),受到了比利(Billy)的恶心,形成了失败的人,试图解决过去的错误。在第三幕中,您可以将迈克(Mike)与他们的小组联系起来,因为他是一个崭露头角的失败者,他必须弥补对贝卡(Becca)的卑鄙。每个人都在学习一门关于采取积极行动来赢得宽恕的教训 - 大专主题! - 这些角色突然对故事, not just the plot.

与此同时,女巫的母亲需要回来in human form for the girls. Hannah Waddingham is SO good in her one scene, positively EATING the scenery, screenwriter Jen D’Angelo and director Anne Fletcher should have been looking for EVERY reason to bring her back. And there is one! Since the secondary theme is taking positive action to atone for a mistake, the Mother Witch comes to Becca in her moment of need, just as she did for teenaged Winifred (Taylor Henderson), but this time, the Mother Witch is no longer a dark magic witch, she is trying to complete her transformation into a good witch. To do so, she has to fix her Winifred problem, and she can do so by mentoring Becca, in the way shedidn’tmentor Winifred. Again, taking positive action to earn forgiveness is enforced as a secondary theme, and there is now a consistent thread in the story of adults trying to fix their mistakes while clearing a better, kinder path for the new generation.

It doesn’t take much to “fix”hocus pocus2。All the pieces are on the board. It just needs a little nudging in a few key scenes to clarify and reinforce the themes of friendship and atoning with positive action and the film isn’t just a ditzy Halloween romp for kids, it has the kind of narrative spine to withstand multiple viewings. As is,hocus pocus2feels organized to repeat the same narrative beats of the original for lack of better storytelling, which is a fault of many sequels, but it’s so close to being more than a retread of the original.hocus pocus不是精湛的电影院,但是它具有使它脱颖而出的性爱和旧电影。缺乏hocus pocus2需要一个更强大的故事主干来支持所有笑话,音乐数字和营地致敬。感觉不像一个故事,更像是一系列事件,但是只有一点重新安排,可能会更多。

This imaginary version ofhocus pocus2只生活在我的脑海中。真实hocus pocus2现在正在迪士尼+上流媒体。