我将不接受其他申请,Happiest Season是2020年的可爱圣诞节rom-com。它有所有经典的圣诞节电影陈词滥调:有人挂了一个天沟(如果没有人挂着排水沟,那是一部圣诞节电影吗?);圣诞节前夕争吵;即使没有人去购物中心,也必须去购物中心。甚至有倾斜。There are also tons of classic rom-com cliches, like overbearing families, mistaken—or in this case, misleading—identities, fake boyfriends, old boyfriends AND girlfriends, and big dramatic confrontations at parties.

Happiest Season在许多方面,这是一部非常陈词滥调的电影,但以一种巨大的方式不是:这是关于一对女同性恋的。仅仅通过在浪漫配对上近来的故事,我们并没有经常看到以好莱坞主流电影为中心Happiest Season得到新鲜和能量的震动。It also adds real stakes to the central conflict, because “I don’t want to tell my parents about my promotion”, or whatever similar “success is to be shunned” contrivance is happening in this week’s Hallmark movie, isn’t a real problem, but “I’m afraid to come out to my conservative parents” IS a real problem, and it’s one that carries a lot of emotional weight.

Happiest Season以老式的方式出售其陈词滥调:通过将Sh-T扔掉。克里斯汀·斯图尔特(Kristen Stewart)和麦肯齐·戴维斯(Mackenzie Davis)分别扮演艾比(Abby)和哈珀(Harper),一对恋爱中的夫妇,面临着这个古老的困境:圣诞节时该怎么做。艾比没有家人,一个剧情点是为了获得完美的幽默,但哈珀来自一个紧密联系的家庭,在该国拥有超级美丽的房子。他们去哈珀的。问题是哈珀没有出去,她告诉父母艾比是她的直率,孤儿的室友。戴维斯和斯图尔特有很好的化学反应,Happiest Season通过第一幕陈词滥调,进入第三幕对抗。rom-coms的铅化学生物和死亡,Happiest Season斯图尔特和戴维斯蓬勃发展。

但这不仅是斯图尔特和戴维斯的交付,因为Happiest Season有一个神奇的配角。维克多·加伯和Mary Steenburgen play Harper’s parents: would-be mayor Ted and his supportive spouse, Tipper. Alison Brie pops up as Harper’s over-achieving elder sister, Sloane, and Mary Holland—who co-wrote the script with director Clea Duvall—plays her oddball younger sister, Emily. Harper’s family has real psycho suburban energy, which explains Harper’s elaborate façade perfectly. If she isn’t the perfect, dutiful daughter, her parents will have no use for her in their country club life, something that happened to Sloane after stepping away from her law career to raise twins (Ted and Tipper basically mommy-track their own daughter, yikes). There is, however, a spot-on running gag about Sloane’s post-law career making “carefully curated gift experiences with customized vessels” (read: gift baskets) which made me laugh a couple times.

那是真正的秘密Happiest Season。它有一个Helluva演员,一对伟大的夫妻,一个坚实的前提,而且写得很好。杜瓦尔(Duvall)和荷兰(Holland)的剧本动作,充满了对话和笑话 - 丹·勒维(Dan Levy)将其粉碎为艾比(Abby)最好的朋友和最差的宠物保姆 - 以及在封闭假期期间不可避免地遇到了良好的紧张局势。杜瓦尔(Duvall)从不过分夸张的紧张局势,但是她从来没有这样做,因为哈珀(Harper)的危险是如此真实和切实。同样,艾比(Abby)从支持到怨恨的过渡是完全可信和同情的,而没有将她推向shrew领地,这部电影不太好的电影会做,只是哈珀可以节省脸部。但是这里的重点不是让哈珀拯救脸,而是要面对在家庭表面下浮出水面的问题,她的性取向只是一个。

Happiest Season是迷人的,有趣的,而且几乎可以从假日rom-com中要求的一切。有一栋出色的F-Cking House,配有完美的专业装饰,有才华横溢的演员,以及一位知道如何让不可避免的对抗的荒谬性的导演,但也可以管理真正的后果。即使是陈词滥调,也比过多的片段读得更多,这在很大程度上要归功于这部电影的整体语气,这是温暖,深情和安慰的。用一杯热可可在沙发上curl缩在沙发上,让Happiest Season在这个地狱的一年中,您欢呼雀跃,或者在假日欢呼。我们当然可以比一个有趣的rom-com更糟糕的是,恰好是几个女人。

Happiest Seasonis available in whatever theaters are still open, and on Hulu in the US from November 25. It will be available for rent or purchase in Canada on all digital platforms from November 26.