弗兰克·赫伯特(Frank Herbert)的经典科幻小说,沙丘,长期以来一直被认为是无法实现的,但是导演丹尼斯·维伦纽夫(Denis Villeneuve)与约翰·史台(John Spaihts)和埃里克·罗斯(Eric Roth)相适应,几乎使它起作用。Villeneuve的沙丘is good in a lot of ways and bad in a couple critically important ways. It’s a mixed bag of a film that is in turns boring and frustrating and thrilling and epic that is also curiously flat despite its obvious expense. Villeneuve’s visual style is marked by a preference for drained color palettes, but usually he offsets his monochromatic tendencies by choosing one or two colors to pop off the palette to enliven the frame, such as the orange and violet of刀片跑步者2049,或绿色到达,或黄色敌人。不过,在这里,没有标志性的颜色,只有标志性的缺乏,因为阿拉基斯的沙漠星球用泥泞的棕色和灰色呈现。真正壮观的视觉设计元素 - 库堡,建筑,宇宙飞船 - 通过视觉风格使人们无趣。这个“伟大的房屋”和《星际帝国》和《潜在叛乱》的世界不会感到宏伟或令人兴奋,它使人感到乏味。

这种视觉相同性并不能帮助这个故事,这是非常节奏的。部分沙丘’s defiance of cinema is the sheer scope of the story, which Villeneuve & Co. have split into two parts (Part Two was just greenlit for 2023). In some ways, they do a decent job of breaking the story down into an understandable structure. Paul Atreides (Timothée Chalamet) is the heir of House Atreides, son of Duke Leto (Oscar Isaac) and his concubine, the witchy Jessica (Rebecca Ferguson), who is part of a religious order called the Bene Gesserit. Paul carries not only his father’s aristocratic and political legacy, but also his mother’s magical legacy, and沙丘有点关心这个家庭,不仅是比自己更大的事情的一部分 - 在政治上和神奇上 - 而且也彼此亲切地关心。莱托(Leto)和杰西卡(Jessica亲爱的埃文·汉森). But沙丘有太多的情节轨道无法铺设,因此没有时间可以真正探索这个家庭动态。

这是最大的问题沙丘。即使将其分为两个部分,一部电影也太多了。这个故事效率低下,导致节奏不好,并且这部电影既塞满了,又无聊了。Take this creative team and cast and make a ten-part TV series, and maybe we’d get somewhere with it, but as is, it takes almost 90 minutes to get through the setup, and even when the film ends at just past two and a half hours, it feels like very little of real import has happened. That’s not to say that NOTHING happens, just that the story isn’t told economically and the run time to stuff happening ratio is deeply out of whack.


但是有时候沙丘是在一起,显示了如果年代可能是什么tory engine ever gets into working order. The attack on the Atreides household is thrilling. The political maneuvering between houses is not engrossing, but the stuff about Jessica’s order of magical ladies being mad at her for bearing a son and not a daughter is interesting (if treading dangerously close to eugenics). Paul has visions that he is either misinterpreting or deliberately defying, either way it casts a shadow on his potential role as a chosen one because he kind of sucks at it, getting things wrong all the time. How much can you trust your messiah, when your messiah’s visions are always a little bit wrong? Big, interesting idea!

但是说保罗是一个选择的人,侯男孩确实沙丘walk right into some ugly Orientalism and white savior complexes. Paul might be special not only to Jessica’s magical ladies, but also the Indigenous desert-dwellers of Arrakis, the Fremen. The actors playing the Fremen are all BIPOC, and Javier Bardem, who Hollywood thinks is BIPOC. Fair-skinned Timothée Chalamet thus stands out sharply among them, making him the latest cinematic white savior. I do think there are some seeds planted here for Paul to not quite be that down the line, but the optics for this film, at least, are bad. Worse still is the Orientalism, which exists in Hebert’s books, but goes completely unchallenged in the year of our lady 2021.

Arrakis and its primary resource, “spice”, is a clear allusion to the Middle East and natural resources such as oil or the literal spices of the spice trade. House Atreides is meant to govern Arrakis as interloping outsiders, controlling the spice for the “Imperium”. And just in case you miss the allusions to real-world Western resource exploitation of the Middle East, Hans Zimmer’s score leaps out with a MENA-flavored ululating woman singing on the soundtrack to drive the MENA influence home. (There is also, hilariously, a bagpipe theme for the Atreides that includes太空中的实际风笛手。)人们一直在讨论东方主义沙丘在50多年的时间里,新电影改编没有什么可添加的,除了使用MENA影响力的陷阱,没有,您知道,扮演着任何MENA演员的重要角色。

沙丘有足够的能力 - 表演好,酷炫的飞船,一个名为“邓肯爱达荷州”的角色,客观上热门的演员 - 肯定会有其粉丝。这也是自负和自命不凡的,足以吸引那些将“灰色”扮演“戏剧”的人,并喜欢他们的娱乐活动,以积极地努力,使人感到重要。偶尔瞥见Verve,尤其是Jason Momoa和Javier Bardem,展示了什么沙丘可能是在所有情节中都有更多的空间来呼吸的空间,但是他们正在与博览会和设置的潮流作斗争。作为一个奇异的叙述,沙丘不起作用,后来再增加一部电影永远不会解决这个问题。我们只能希望第二部分比第一部分更好。

沙丘现在正在剧院上映并在HBO Max上流媒体。