保罗·托马斯·安德森(Paul Thomas Anderson)回到了1970年代的大洛杉矶环境,但他没有关于美国梦的失败的绝望故事,而是在这里以甜美的,大多数温柔的年龄来临的戏剧性,受到他在山谷中自己的青春期的启发。作为一个喜欢Spiky,Feisty PTA的人,我几乎只是在这里眨眼,您会在约翰·C·赖利(John C.”草图我想你应该离开, and the twenty minutes in which Bradley Cooper is running around, playing hairdresser-cum-Barbra StreiSAND’s boyfriend, Jon Peters, buying a water bed from a bunch of teenagers. But if you’d like to mellow out with a meticulously crafted homage to childhood and adolescent hijinks, then甘草披萨有很多东西可以提供。

这部电影集中在加里·瓦伦丁(Gary Valentine)(菲利普·西摩(Philip Seymour)的儿子库珀·霍夫曼(Cooper Hoffman),他的表演处女秀),这是一位儿童演员,他的销售能力超过了他的销售。加里(Gary)在1970年代是一名少年,这意味着他是一个闩锁的孩子,在99%的时间里,他的设备几乎留给了自己的设备。实际上,他的母亲Anita(Mary Elizabeth Ellis)为广告公司加里(Gary)工作。这个孩子从出现在家庭表演中到营销当地餐馆到比您说的“ Hustle”更快的水床。加里(Gary)不仅站在成年,而且是成熟的犯罪行为。他要么要变成一个真正的骗子,要么成为25岁之前的山谷中最好的汽车推销员。无论哪种方式都可以走。

The object of Gary’s affection is Alana (Alana Haim, making her feature film debut), a twenty-something woman Gary meets when she’s working as a photographer’s assistant during his class photo. Much has been made of the age gap relationship in甘草披萨,但1)描述不是背书,和2)film itself is acutely aware of the inappropriate nature of Gary and Alana’s entanglement. Gary is smitten and not secretive about it—his confidence is key to his hucksterism. But Alana is aware that it’s “weird” for her to hang out with a teenager, and that by doing so, she is just feeding her own aimlessness and prolonged adolescence. Their relationship is 98% friendship forged between two people slightly out of step with their respective peers, and 2% one single, chaste kiss that isn’t leading anywhere. Honestly, their whole vibe reminds me of having crushes on the college-aged counselors at summer camp. Gary has a crush on a cool, older girl; the cool, older girl knows his crush is misdirected, but she’s also so starved for affection that she’ll let him hang around and feed her ego.

当地餐馆老板杰里(John Michael Higgins)的反亚洲笑话更值得批评。他拥有加里公司(Gary)公司广告宣传的日本餐厅,在整部电影中,他都与可互换的日本妻子一起展示,他以夸张的,令人反感的日本口音与他交谈。他本来应该是那种混蛋,亚洲妇女的恋物癖并不能阻止他抛弃他的第一任妻子,后者明显地表达了他的屈服于他的屈服。I don’t need the film to halt in its tracks and moralize from a twenty-first century perspective about why that’s wrong, the audience’s brains can do that for them, but I do need the jokes to be at least good, and they’re just not. Throughout the film, PTA, who also wrote the script, lampoons other figures to greater effect, from the coked-out film producer represented by Jon Peters to the fading film star played by Sean Penn. But the Jerry material feels a little undercooked in contrast.

甘草披萨是一个过去的时代的paean,从黎明到下一个黎明,孩子们可以在零监督下运行Amok,没有人三思而后行。但这也不是一个怀旧的陷阱,甜蜜的苦味足以提醒我们,1970年代并不是一个美好的时光,而且并不是每个人都喜欢与Latchkey Kid Gary一样的解放。当您似乎不适合任何地方时,这也是一种忧郁的看法,即成长并找到自己的位置。像库珀·霍夫曼(Cooper Hoffman)一样迷人,阿拉纳·海姆(Alana Haim)像综合大楼和挣扎的阿拉纳(Alana)一样引人注目。您会感觉到加里最终会很好,他会找到前进的道路,而1980年代是为像他这样的人特别制作的十年。不过,阿拉纳(Alana)是真正的不合适,是奇怪的钉子,没有可见的插槽。她未来的不确定性是笼罩着加里(Gary)的到来时陷入困境。您会感觉到加里有一天会回头看:阿拉纳发生了什么事?

甘草披萨is now playing in select theaters and will expand across North America on December 25.