好吧。这个人令人失望。我猜想,这是一个非常挚爱的喜剧的年代续集并不奇怪的是,他们很少做到 - 但对此感到特别令人震惊即将到来2美国因为埃迪·墨菲(Eddie Murphy)似乎过得很开心,但是它是如此糟糕,而且被深深地被误导。墨菲(Murphy)返回Zamunda的Akeem Prince Akeem(以及其他角色),他在30年后仍与Lisa公主(Shari Headley)结婚,现在有三个女儿。其中最古老的Meeka(Kiki Layne)是一个坏蛋,她一直在为某天统治Zamunda准备自己的一生,尽管她的国家仍然受到过时的性别歧视和性别歧视法,禁止妇女无法统治(并拥有企业)。This is a GREAT setup for a sequel, setting up Akeem’s daughter to follow in his footsteps by fleeing the oppressive atmosphere of Zamunda to explore America, her mother’s idealized homeland, experiencing the kind of fish-out-of-water humor people loved about the first film, but updated for the 21st century.

那不是发生的事情。实际发生的是,阿基姆(Akeem)发现他在那些年前在美国不知不觉中育有一个儿子,然后他回到皇后区(Queens)取回了他说的儿子,他把他梳理成为王储,避免了与Zamunda的邻居Nextdoria的冲突。(Wesley Snipes shows up as General Izzi, leader of Nextdoria, giving way more energy than this film deserves.) Several things about the actual setup for the film are problematic (I hate that word, it’s so overused it’s practically useless, but it is true here). First, Zamunda is depicted as a wealthy nation apparently untouched by imperialism’s scars—though it is INCREDIBLY patriarchal—while Nextdoria is a comedy take on an impoverished, war-torn African nation, which feels gross and inappropriate and a joke about child soldiers is especially tasteless. Then there is how Akeem came to father his son, Lavelle (Jermaine Fowler). We flashback to the nightclub scene in来美国, Semmi(阿塞尼奥。霍尔)说服一个女人the club, Mary (Leslie Jones), to occupy Akeem while Semmi sleeps with her friend. Mary gets Akeem so high he has no memory of this event, and then she has sex with him.

Yes, that’s right, the entire premise of即将到来2美国基于非自愿性。如果您在喜剧中加入性爱场面,这是如此令人毛骨悚然,它会使人们询问主角是否刚刚被殴打,您应该重新考虑您的性爱场面。这是双重的,因为即将到来2美国甚至不需要拉维尔!Meeka就在那里,准备成为下一代Akeem。另外,当他们共享屏幕时,kiki layne完全照亮了杰梅因·福勒(Jermaine Fowler),这使您想知道他为什么还在那里。福勒在其他事情上表现出色(崩溃,上级甜甜圈), but Kiki Layne is a powerhouse, and he can’t hold the screen against her. Lavelle is a redundant character in an unnecessary premise, which makes the sex scene not only unfunny and misguided, but a total waste of time.即将到来2美国在任何事情上,Akeem终于履行了他年轻的改革Zamunda并为Meeka统治的道路。这个前提不需要一个久的儿子。我们很早就了解到,Meeka被排除在继任之外,这足以使她的目标有障碍,也是Akeem可以克服的对象。在已经完整的蛋糕上,Lavelle的东西只是不舒服的糖霜。

这是最大的问题即将到来2美国,但这并不是唯一的。原始编剧Barry Blaustein和David Sheffield随着肯尼亚Barris的加入,回收了原始笑话的许多笑话,只有一些实际上有效的新添加。尽管理发店的零碎仍然不错,但如此多的笑话也不是一个问题,而且“ McFlurby”的笑话很棒(我唯一的笑声)。克雷格·布鲁尔(Craig Brewer),指导埃迪·墨菲(Eddie Murphy)杜勒米特是我的名字,这里的启发程度较低,但同样,有几个场景正确,尤其是丽莎和阿基姆之间的醉酒对抗。此外,露丝·卡特(Ruth E. Carter)的服装设计非常出色。她建立在奥斯卡奖的基础上黑豹借助这些服装,整部电影使我们更加引人注目的合奏。有个人元素即将到来2美国这项工作,但总的来说,它被错误的前提和对Akeem儿子存在的可怕解释所困扰。虽然我喜欢在屏幕上看到埃迪·墨菲(Eddie Murphy),但即将到来2美国只是如此误导,不可能享受。

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