子弹头列车是一部令人沮丧的电影。间歇性有趣,间歇性地娱乐性,间歇性地痛苦地响亮,间歇性地令人反感,它从未陷入一个凹槽中,而是像一个多活跃的孩子那样在整个地方跳过,讲述了一个故事。This one time, a guy gets on a train and he’s a bad man and there are other bad men and they all get into fight and there is a cartoon animal and racial stereotypes and the one bad man hits the other bad man and they go, like, Bro we are fighting now!Brad Pitt stars as “Ladybug”, a shady man-for-hire who only does “snatch and grabs”. He’s supposed to steal a briefcase from a bullet train in Tokyo and drop it off at a specific stop, but of course, everything goes wrong.

改编自科塔罗·伊萨卡(Kotaro Isaka)的小说玛丽亚·贝特尔(Maria Beetle),由Zak Olkewicz撰写,由David Leitch执导(有趣的事实:Leitch是Pitt的特技表演。搏击俱乐部),子弹头列车自从共同导向以来,是一种动作前向动力学胶片而闻名约翰·威克。However,子弹头列车从相对简单的日子开始,也代表了利奇风格的升级约翰·威克原子金发子弹头列车是一场超级跳跃,智慧的边界噩梦,越过顶级CG结局,但是每当顶级一流的演员坐下来坐下来聊天,或者也许参与一些近距离的战斗,它都会在块中起作用。。更大子弹头列车顺便说一句,情况越好,但是其中约60%的人实际上相当不错。

瓢虫在火车上加入了“柠檬”布赖恩(Tyree Henry) and “Tangerine” (Aaron Taylor-Johnson), a pair of London assassins; “Wolf” (Bad Bunny), a silent-but-deadly assassin; “Hornet” (Zazie Beetz), another assassin; “Prince” (Joey King), another assassin; and Kimura (Andrew Koji), not an assassin. The plot is a combination of who dunit and “beat the clock” thriller, involving Kimura’s hospitalized son and a mysterious underworld figure called the “White Death”. Ladybug wants no part of any of it, he just wants to do his positive affirmations and get off the train with the briefcase, but of course, events conspire against him.

部分子弹头列车这项工作与The Gray Man这项工作 - 电影明星是电影屏幕上的电影明星。皮特(Pitt)确实像瓢虫一样有趣,尽管动作场景以一种旨在隐藏一名五十八岁演员的现实方式跳跃,并带有二十多岁的特技表演。我们已经看到Leitch在电影中做时尚,更长的作品原子金发,我们知道他可以比Blender Nightmare做得更好子弹头列车变成,但是断断续续的编辑显然是掩盖了演员阵容的局限性。也就是说,一些序列是为近距离设计的,并巧妙地将火车的狭窄空间用于残酷但有趣的战斗场景。只有当电影拍摄更大,更通常是好莱坞的作品时,它才能用CG增强的Glop失去动力,从而摆脱了一个很好的老式战斗场景的乐趣。

还有粉刷, 作为子弹头列车从日本小说开始生活,许多角色被重新构想为这部电影的非日本人。或者,也许最好是擦除,就像这部电影相当多样化,尽管通过擦除了各种日本角色,子弹头列车使日本的刻板印象描述 - 否则,动漫,服从和/或沉默的妇女,到处都是Yakuza Triad。Hiroyuki Sanada出现为Kimura的父亲,他的表现如此优雅,以至于他大大提高了材料,但这再次是一部西方电影,将Sanada铸造为黑社会人物。(Someone Cast Hiroyuki Sanada In Like, A Family Drama Challenge 2022.) By keeping the Japanese setting but bringing in a predominately non-Japanese cast, Japan and its culture are reduced to mere scenery, which was probably not anyone’s intention, but is what happens when these kinds of changes are made without interrogating how the optics change, too.

不过,我接受大多数人不会关心这一点,就像我接受这种尖叫的胡说八道对大多数人有用一样。它足够有趣,足够明星,精心编排了,足以弥补自己的缺点。它有时只能起作用,但老实说,只是看到了The Gray Man,,,,子弹头列车相比之下,更好地脱颖而出。至少子弹头列车感觉就像是一部真正想制作的合适电影,而不仅仅是在公司品牌管理中的练习,而且子弹头列车有个性。这并不总是一个好的个性,但有一个。

子弹头列车is exclusively in theaters from August 5, 2022.