Rami Balyk在昨晚在布拉德利库珀昨晚的金色地球仪中的演员赢得最佳表现是夜晚最大的惊喜之一波西米亚狂想曲赢得最好的戏剧,也结束了一个明星诞生了。因为,当然,asib.一直是假定的Frontrunner。但是好莱坞外国新闻协会一直以意外地知道。现在这是一个广阔的比赛。Rami Malyk刚刚举动了一大堆。

回到11月,我问是否拉米可以挑战布拉德利。上周五,棕榈泉电影节颁奖晚会,乔安娜打电话给它当她指出拉米的讲话是一个干燥的运行,因为在接下来的几周内可能有很多演讲。在这里我们是。Rami Wins和Christian Bale WINS,奥斯卡提名期从今天开始。突然间,他是最好的参与者奥斯卡队前往基督徒。但也许标志总是在那里。

考虑屏幕演员公会 - 拉米被提名为领先的作用,但演员也被提名为最好的合奏,所以SAG相当于最好的图片。事实证明,这不是一个怪物一次性。因为生产商公会刚刚在星期五宣布提名波西米亚狂想曲是“震惊“包含在列表中,确保其中一个斑点而不是如果Beal Street可以说话玛丽Poppins回归。令人震惊的,因为,相比许多争论中的电影,波西米亚狂想曲不是一个批评的击中。莎拉在她的评论中称为“最糟糕的评判修正主义历史”(他们完全搞砸了时间表和实际事实)。我们甚至不需要提及布莱恩歌手协会。


我不相信波西米亚狂想曲can really take Best Picture at the Oscars, not when it won’t be supported by other major nominations in non-acting categories and there’s NO WAY it’ll be a factor in the director category, but what this does is put a huge spotlight on Rami who, as we saw last night, is not unpopular in the industry. The Screen Actors Guild obviously is big on his performance. Actors make up the largest voting branch of the Academy. The actors are impressed with Rami and have always been in awe of Christian Bale, who did some Oscar rehearsing of his own last night on stage during his acceptance speech with his joke about “Satan” aka Dick Cheney. That’s not going to play in every room. The Academy is still old and white. Those voters who live in Palm Springs, for example? I don’t know that that joke would play with all of them. (PS. So many people seem surprised that he’s British – really? Did we not know this?!) For them, then, if it’s between Rami and Christian… I wonder, after last night, if they’re going to swing to Rami. And I also wonder now how the一个明星诞生了团队和华纳兄弟对他们的策略感到感受,以及他们是否必须进行一些调整。昨晚没有打破他们想要的方式。更多关于Coop和asib.之后。