拉米·马莱克(Rami Malek)很好波西米亚狂想曲。As Freddie Mercury, legendary frontman of Queen, one of the greatest arena bands of all time, he struts and stalks his way through a hell of an impression that is prevented from becoming a true characterization only by the limits of the REALLY POOR script he’s given. Malek does the most with LITERAL SH-T, and the result is a charismatic, engaging performance. It would be well worth watching, if only he were in a better movie, one that was less of a FLAMING BALL OF UTTER GARBAGE.

波西米亚狂想曲对于弗雷迪·水星(Freddie Mercury)来说,它是如此不公平。当然,这是宣传,使幸存的女王成员布莱恩·梅(Gwilym Lee),罗杰·泰勒(Ben Hardy)和约翰·迪肯(Joe Mazzello)(乔·马齐洛)以弗雷迪·水星(Freddie Mercury)的明确费用。(尽管值得称赞,但执事没有参加这部电影的制作。)五月,泰勒(Taylor)或执事没有一件好事,反过来又不会使弗雷迪(Freddie)看起来不负责任,或者像白痴一样或两者兼而有之。对于不能捍卫自己的弗雷迪来说,这是非常不公平的。

在这里,房地美是一个顽固的孩子be dragged, hungover, into the studio to work while his clean and sober bandmates tut-tut his rock-n-roll lifestyle. (It was the 1970s-80s, run that by me again, this time with a reality filter.) He breaks up Queen by going solo—never mind that May and Taylor released solo albums first and Queen never officially broke up—and then begs his way back into the band after his solo career fails (it didn’t). He’s fueled to do the famous Live Aid show in 1985 by his AIDS diagnosis, which didn’t happen until 1987. Rhapsody turns the vibrant, triumphant Live Aid show into a macabre specter of Freddie’s looming death, making a celebration into a swan song in a way that feels deeply gross.

但是这些不是狂想曲唯一的罪过,因为它也只是一个糟糕的F-Cking传记片,对所有典型的传记罪有罪。这很平淡,无牙平坦,它是如此的公式化,这是确切的陈词滥调,死记硬背,so脱落的人类 - becomes-becomes-hammy-hammy hammy bropic poopic努力行走欺骗。奇怪的是,一部关于一部乐队像皇后一样充满创造力和充满活力的乐队的电影可能是如此平淡无奇。是的,双重导演的情况是在屏幕上显而易见的布莱恩·辛格和德克斯特·弗莱彻之间很明显,因为缺乏一致的语气和风格让人联想到同样充满活力的作品正义联盟

但是等等,还有更多。因为狂想曲还必须通过Freddie并非直率的那部分。这并不是说狂想曲忽略弗雷迪的性行为,更糟糕的是,也许会贬低它。当弗雷迪(Freddie)与那个漂亮的玛丽·奥斯汀(Lucy Boynton)在一起时,一切都很好,但是后来发生的每件坏事都是因为弗雷迪(Freddie)开始欺骗帅哥。真正的弗雷迪·水星(Freddie Mercury)与玛丽·奥斯汀(Mary Austin)的关系很重要,他们一生都很接近。但his relationship with Jim Hutton was also important, and here Hutton appears in a glorified cameo (played by Aaron McCusker) meant only to show that not every single dude Freddie encounters is predatory and harmful, and it’s so ham-fisted it feels like a mere afterthought. But certainly the dude we see Freddie spend the most time with, Paul Prenter (Allen Leech), is predatory and harmful. And yes, the real Paul Prenter did sell out Freddie. But狂想曲这是一系列选择的结果,这里的选择以弗雷迪(Freddie)的生活(延伸女王)的生活而结束,从根本上破坏了他,因为他不能停止与男生睡觉。有一个判断,这是不好的。波西米亚狂想曲将坏事归咎于弗雷迪·水星(Freddie Mercury)的酷儿。

诚实地,波西米亚狂想曲永远不应该做。如果您不能让皇后尚存的成员在不将电影变成最糟糕的判断力修正主义的历史的情况下许可他们的音乐,那就不要拍电影。因为最终结果是不公平的,同性恋的和激怒的。拉米·马莱克(Rami Malek)很棒,配乐是杀手。但是,这部精打细算的电影和怪异的惩罚肖像并不是任何人都应该记住弗雷迪·水星或女王的方式。