
这是一个经典的星期五晚上惊喜。五次之后,几乎每个人都已经在周末出去了,西海岸已经准备好了,人们宣布哈里·斯泰尔斯(Harry Styles)和奥利维亚·王尔德(Olivia Wilde)破碎

人们, one of the most celebrity-friendly outlets there is and still the go-to for a well-timed public statement, cites an unnamed source who points to Styles’ touring schedule—he is starting the international leg of his tour this week in Mexico—and Wilde has her two young children and her work, including that Sony-Marvel project that is still technically happening, so they are “taking a break” and it was an “amicable decision”. The source also says they are “still very close friends”, while “a friend” adds that “they have different priorities that are keeping them apart”. No drama here, darlings!

鉴于他的旅行,她的工作以及孩子们以及一般无法接听世界各地的风格,这很可能是正确的。They met on set, when their schedules were in synch, and their relationship flourished in the pandemic when they were both working less—and Wilde was doing post-production on her film, the most remote-adaptable phase of production—but now they’re both back to full schedules and he’s going to be travelling the world for the next few months while she’s in Los Angeles with her next film and her children. Totally reasonable, could happen to anyone in this industry, let alone the most dramatic celebrity couple we’ve seen in recent memory.

但是鉴于所有以前的戏剧,亲爱的,人 - 人数,而不是人们- 将坚持将其纳入何时破裂的何时进行阴谋。有些已经在威尼斯首映之前要求不用担心亲爱的在9月初,因为他们在那场比赛中是僵持的。但这显然是将他们的时间一起减少以最大程度地引起电影的关注的一种情况。我们可以辩论是否成功,但这是当下明显的宣传活动。此外,他们被拍照在纽约接吻1zplay几周后。

不过大约一个月第六页指出他们出现了斯托克在一个晚上,在保姆告诉一切。但是王尔德在过去几个月中一直参加了Styles的几场音乐会,包括他在万圣节上的“ Harryweew中”音乐会,因此,可以说,这一切都在过去三周内发生。同样,它与哈利(Harry)出发前往遥远海岸的概念排队,而奥利维亚(Olivia亲爱的与戏剧相关。外部的压力和审查是否会受到他们的影响?绝对地。但这并不令人难以置信的是,两个朝两个不同方向朝着它伸出的人,尤其是在王尔德(Wilde)先前说的打算成为今年“待在家里的妈妈”的意图,这是更多理由不跟随她的男友参加世界巡回演出。

不过,王尔德(Wilde)并没有让最新的戏剧与她联系,这是在周六宣布后二十四小时的周六颁奖典礼上出现的。也出席:Flo小姐。他们俩都纯粹是看上去的。他们可能不知不觉地陷入了(非)关系的公开动态,王尔德(Wilde)带着一件礼服运动透明的黑色元素,佛罗伦萨·普格(Florence Pugh)与纯粹的白色和金色一起去了。文字,迪士尼级女主人公和小人品牌。是灰姑娘和她邪恶的继母。

从长远来看,我想知道我们是否会记住野生动物的关系是主要的事情不用担心亲爱的还是那会成为奥利维亚·王尔德/弗洛小姐戏剧的脚注?既然他们已经分裂了,希望王尔德的关系和风格关系的许多烦恼都会消失。(He’s pushing thirty and a MAJOR celebrity in his own right, stop infantilizing him by pretending this MAN didn’t get into that situation with his eyes open.) There is still the drama with Jason Sudeikis to play out—does this latest development make their custody case simpler?—but as不用担心亲爱的从流行文化领域消失,人们会放开野生动物吗?只有时间会给出答案。就目前而言,Twitter的正式持续时间比野生动物更长。

