您上周末在纽约时装周上看到了拉里·戴维(Larry David)的那些照片吗?他是Staud Show的前排,坐在Jared Leto和Peter Berg旁边。贾里德(Jared)和彼得(Peter)在时装秀上?这跟踪。拉里·戴维(Larry David)?哈哈。


拉里·戴维(Larry David)参加Staud-前排和后台 - 2021年9月 - 纽约时装周:2021年9月12日在纽约市Spring S1zplaytudios举行的露台表演


想象一下,拉里·戴维(Larry David)在大都会(Met Gala)吗?他会在大都会晚会做什么?几年前,让我想起了《名利场》奥斯卡党。我和杜娜(Duana)和我在我们的房间里陷入了困境拉里在聚会上做填字游戏,已经很狡猾,我们失去了理智。

无论如何,互联网正在为拉里(Larry)与大都会(Met Gala)的一位名人联合主席蒂莫西·查拉梅特(TimothéeChalamet)共进午餐的新照片失去理智。照片在这里。这轨道吗?看起来看起来是随机的,它实际上确实跟踪了。特别是对于蒂米。It’s well-known that he’s as comfortable at Kid Cudi’s after-party as he is on a patio with Larry David, and often spends time with people who are much older than he is, so much so that it’s mentioned in almost every profile of him. He’s that one cousin at the family gathering who’s always hanging out with the elders and not the rest of the kids. And he’s also a nerd in the sense that he nerds out over other celebrities and artists – of course he would be the ultimate LD fanboy.

所以我们要看到蒂米抑制?一个新的季节遏制你的热情下个月即将到来,总是有名人客串抑制。我不喜欢最后一季抑制,绝对不是最强的。I wonder if LD bounces back better this season, and whether or not this is a new acquaintance he’s made with Timmy, in which case it’s unlikely that he’d show up in the new season, or if they already know each other because Timmy showed up for this upcoming season.

无论如何,毫无疑问,每当这两者都在麦克风前面时,这是一个新的紧迫问题。告诉我们您与Larry David/TimothéeChalamet的友谊吗?