
哈里王子和梅根·马克斯通过他们公司签署了Spotify的多年来archewell.去年在该服务中生产播客。上个星期据报道,Meghan的第一个豆荚将于今年夏天来到今天,今天他们宣布了 - 新节目被召唤原型由Meghan Herself托管,并将有关于刻板印象的“未经审查的谈话”,如何“举行女性回来”。Meghan将采访历史学家和其他专家来谈谈“通过流行文化和媒体镜头遍布历史上普遍普遍的妇女的常规刻板印象”。



那些相同的混蛋将肯定会抓住这一点,而不仅仅是因为它是他们的习惯,但它也是他们分散意愿和凯特的消极头条新闻的一种方式。And I would imagine that Meghan, the Archewell Studios team, and the marketing and publicity people at Spotify would be aware of this…and clearly assessed that they’d move forward with the plan because, well, at this point, it’s no f-cks given, on both sides. It’s not like the royals defer to Harry and Meghan’s schedule either. That was the whole point of them leaving their positions as senior royals – to be able to have their own ideas and do their own thing.

回去原型,你听过拖车了吗?它在上面的哈珀链接中这里。正如我之前所说的那样,随着她的表演经历,梅根做了很大的愚蠢。She has a really good voice for podcasting and you’ll note, she refers to herself as “Meghan”, just “Meghan”, no Duchess, no title – it’s familiar, it’s intimate, it’s curious… this is what her job is as the host of a podcast, to be both the listener’s guide and our stand-in during the conversations. So far in this trailer, that’s exactly the performance she’s giving.