Well this is something no one could have ever seen coming. During possibly the worst interview in history while promoting his latest “middle-aged guy kicks all the ass” action movie,冷追捕,利亚姆·尼森(Liam Neeson)谈到了报仇,以及他曾经曾经渴望将其确定在黑人身上。如果您只是在桌子上吐出饮料,请放心,您并不孤单。这个故事源于独立性,世界各地的饮料都在无数桌子上吐口水,因为互联网成为了困惑的宝贝模因。利亚姆·尼森(Liam Neeson)说了什么,我们尖叫着,记录刮擦和地板上慢动作的眼镜。利亚姆·尼森(Liam Neeson)是否只是承认要种族歧视谋杀某人?

是他做的。完整的背景是,在宣传另一次报仇的同时,他在得知与他亲近的一些人受到性侵犯之后,谈到寻求报仇自己是一个年轻人。他说,“我问,她知道那是谁吗?不,他们是什么颜色?她说那是一个黑人。I went up and down areas with a cosh, hoping I’d be approached by somebody – I’m ashamed to say that – and I did it for maybe a week, hoping some [Neeson gestures air quotes with his fingers] ‘black bastard’ would come out of a pub and have a go at me about something, you know? So that I could […] kill him.”

Neeson的冷追捕联合主演汤姆·贝特曼(Tom Bateman)最好地总结一下:“圣Sh-t。”

这是几件事的完美交叉点,其中包括有毒的男性气质 - 他对幸存者的关注和沮丧只能通过预期的暴力行为来表达,白人特权和种族主义。It’s an astounding example of the devaluation of black lives that any random person going about their day could stand in for one specific person who did something evil—it is a view of an entire race not only as interchangeable, guilty by association, guilty by mere existence. What he is describing is a hate crime. Seeking to hurt someone—to punish them—just because they look a certain way or belong to certain group, is a hate crime. Liam Neeson is admitting to wanting to commit a hate crime.

但是他也后悔吗?他继续说,“It’s awful. […] But I did learn a lesson from it, when I eventually thought, ‘What the f-ck are you doing,’ you know?”好的?他提出这个故事来谈论复仇的毫无意义。这并不像他在麻烦中生活在北爱尔兰的经历那样好,但是他试图在自己的经历和报仇的想法之间建立联系。这会变得更好吗?我……不认为是。我不知道我们是否取消了Liam Neeson Mark Wahlberg的方式,实际被定罪仇恨犯罪,被取消,但我也认为您不会像没有任何事情一样吹口哨。

因为这次采访实际上使人怪异,所以当作家克莱门斯·米歇隆(Clemence Michallon)与心理学家讲话时,试图将Neeson的评论与背景相关。实际上,她首先与国家性暴力资源中心联系以谈论性暴力的二手效应,然后与伦敦大学学院的一位教授进行了交谈。Michallon意识到Neeson已经说了些什么,并且正在携带大量水,以确保我们不会误解他:在工作中的特权。到底有什么误解?在发现某些毁灭性的事情后,您关心的人感到沮丧是可以理解的。出去希望做仇恨犯罪是……少了。特别是考虑到最近的攻击在Jussie Smollett上,提醒人们,不仅仇恨犯罪从未真正消失,而且实际上是卷土重来的。

这不仅仅是一些愚蠢的Sh-t Liam Neeson说,他实际上出去尝试这样做,带着“ cosh”,希望只见任何黑人,以便他可以击败他。He tells this story and talks about revenge and realizing it’s pointless, but he never says anything about also realizing how racist his actions were, and naming the racism, and that, separate from a fruitless desire for revenge, those actions and the feelings that motivated them are worth regretting. I would love to hear your thoughts on Liam Neeson and where he’s at now as a public persona. I am just so flummoxed he would even bring this up at a PRESS JUNKET, I can barely process the rest of it. He meanwhile seems to have processed some thoughts on revenge but it’s unclear whether or not he’s reflected on the prejudices that drove him.
