上周的情节跟上Kardashiansgave us a closer look at Kourtney and Addison Rae’s friendship, and it had a lot of people scratching their heads (including the other Kardashians) asking: how could a 20-year-old be besties with a 42-year-old mother of three? If you take out the fame factor, is this possible in regular circumstances?

我狂暴地观看了每一集跟上Kardashiansa few months back (I may have a reality TV issue), and something I noticed while going through the seasons was Kourtney’s enthusiasm slowly dwindling. In the beginning, she was willing to bare it all, which is why we know so much about the ups and downs of her relationship with Scott Disick, her children growing up, and every dramatic storyline that came with her and her sisters. Then,Christmas photoshoot-gatehappened where Kim said Kourtney was the“最不有趣”的卡戴珊(Kardashian)看。它基本上是下坡. After that incident,Kourtney said she couldn’t wait until the show was over因此,她不必继续与家人建立虚假关系。她还提到自己没有与他们相同的价值观。这是一个详细的时间表up to March 2020 of how things went down.

Bottom line, she doesn’t vibe with her family the way she used to. When her family saw how happy she was every time Addison was around, they got suspicious. In the episode, Kim and Khloe talked about how confused they were about the new friendship because Kourtney had been joyless before she showed up. They couldn’t wrap their heads around what they could possibly have in common, which is exactly what most people, including me, were trying to figure out.

我像艾迪生一样出生于2000年。我认为自己是一个能够与所有人相处的人,但是我不能说我很容易与我年龄超过两倍的人成为这两个水平的两倍以上的人。如果这种关系是我的工作中的熟人,或者我每月30分钟见到我的脊医,这是一回事。除此之外,在我一生中的这一点上,我看不到我将如何与比我大得多的人过夜。每个人都知道,最好的过夜包括谈论您的爱情生活。关于与41岁的我男孩问题交谈的事情使我感到紧张。也许部分原因是因为我的妈妈大约是同龄的年龄,但我希望能够向与生活经历尽可能接近的朋友讲述我的问题。当Z世代只有我们理解的很多参考文献时,也很难与另一代人联系起来。无论是旧的Tiktok,语还是病毒推文,我都发现我们这一代人对我们的交流方式非常具体。这并不是说我无法在非社会媒体细节上讲话,但是当我对某人感到满意时,我想放松一下,就像与其他朋友的方式一样。 Trying to explain why I randomly sing “waking up in the morning“偶尔会使与不明白的人尴尬地沟通。只是不那么有趣。

It’s more than the age difference, though. I don’t think we would have life experiences that would align. As a third-year journalism major, all I can talk about right now is online-school burnout and praying that COVID-19 will relax so I can go to the beach with friends I haven’t seen in months. I would imagine that a 42-year-old might be worrying about whether or not they’d have to take time off of work to take care of their kids staying home because of new restrictions and/or vaccination schedules and other caregiving duties. I don’t have any friends in their 40s with three kids, but my mom is one, and she definitely does not have the same life stuff going on as me.

尽管如此,尽管它可能对我不起作用,但它似乎对他们有用吗?从外面看,他们看起来像是一种有趣而健康的友谊。去年春天通过共同的朋友和Youtuber David Dobrik见面后,Kourtney和Addison变得非常亲密,并在隔离期间度过了很多时间。在整个剧集中,我们看到Kim和Khloe试图用Addison使Kourtney如此头晕的方式来破解代码,甚至竭尽全力邀请Addison在Kourtney背后吃午餐。当金直接问艾迪生时,这只会变得更加尴尬。斯科特(Scott)也在那里,说他想知道同样的事情。所以awkward. Addison denied it, and pointed out how weird it was that they got that impression. Later on when Kourtney confronted her sisters about the lunch, she said their friendship is solely based on “energy and vibes”. To me, that’s probably what I’d say if someone asked me why I was friends with my BFF, so for her, it’s literally just because they have a good time together. When you connect that to the fact that she has had a rocky relationship with her sisters, it all makes sense.

Because even though she is a mother of three, Kourtney isn’t what you’d call a typical mother of three. She’s been in the spotlight for most of her life, and is able to spend more time doing more extravagant things than the average person, let alone the average mom. So now Addison comes along, fresh to California with her vibrant personality, and not only is it good energy, but they also have things to relate to because they are both in the same world. And I feel like Kourtney loved taking Addison under her wing and showing her the ropes when it comes to the spotlight, almost like a mentor. The difference between Addison and Kourtney’s sisters is that Addison is new to this world and isn’t jaded by the celebrity lifestyle. Out of the three Kardashian sisters, Kourtney seems to be the one who didn’t adjust as smoothly as their fame grew. The toxicity that Kourtney has referenced many times with her family was always connected to money and obsession over status and fame. Even though Addison is climbing the social ladder, she is nowhere near the Kardashians…yet… hence the reason why everyone, including the audience, was so shocked by it. Maybe this relationship is Kourtney’s way of showing her family that she can find genuine connections with other people that don’t have anything to do with status, because she definitely doesn’t need TikTok to stay relevant. This newfound relationship is Kourtney acting on what she has been speaking about for so many years; genuine connections with people with no expectations besides good vibes. She’s just showing people how serious she was about it, and Addison seems to be that breath of fresh air for her.

但是这将持续多久?似乎他们仍然是上面的Instagram帖子的朋友。但是,与去年春季相比,我们已经看到他们在一起发布的程度有所下降。既然艾迪生的职业生涯正在起步,她很可能没有时间在库特尼的住所过多。库尔特尼(Kourtney)现在也可能有同样的事情,因为她现在正与特拉维斯·巴克(Travis Barker)一起度蜜月。他们可能是名人,但是当他lol比赛视频2019们忙碌时互相抽时间时,他们也面临同样的挑战。当我超级忙碌的一生中有一段时间时,我转向发短信来接我的朋友。在大多数情况下,看起来像我们彼此了解的tiktoks或病毒推文,这使我回到了第一点。当友谊蜜月阶段定居时,艾迪生(Addison)了解加利福尼亚州的所有事物,并且是一个更有经验的名人,他们还能做些什么?艾迪生会在他们第一次见面时保持完全一样吗? Fame changes people, and this age is a formative time as it is – she’s going through a rapid identity transformation. Everything changes: goals, mindsets, dreams, you name it. And that gap is amplified even more if the person you’re in a relationship with is already established in life while you are still growing. She’s still young and trying to find her place in the world.And流行文化世界。当不再需要这种指导,因为艾迪生(Addison)与更接近她年龄的人建立了更牢固的联系,我认为她与库尔特尼(Kourtney)的关系将开始改变。从社交媒体上看,它可能已经开始。