Fashion’s biggest night is over but we can’t move on until we talk about all of the new faces that showed up on the carpet.1zplay莱尼(Lainey)写道,有些名人没有与预期的有影响力的人共度的谣言,但就像她提到的那样,为什么不会他们想要邀请的人的主要焦点是drive up social media engagement? Whether or not people like it, the TikTokers, YouTubers, and etc. get people’s heads turning-- sometimes for good reason, and others, not so much. But no press is bad press, and in my demographic, it worked.

人们生气的原因之一是有影响力的人在Met Gala席位,因为他们似乎并不了解其文化意义。我说,公平。该活动对流行文化的历史影响是如此享有声望的层面,而被邀请并不是Instagram追随者所带来的。被邀请的lol比赛视频2019名人不仅仅是在自己的红地毯时刻,他们在线上携带其他声誉,并正式代表设计师。至少从理论上讲,有一种专业精神和阶级是可以预期的,而且有影响力的人还没有达到他们可以声称与传统名人相同的水平。lol比赛视频2019


But despite the overall lack of appreciation for what the Met Gala and the Costume Institute stand for, Gen Z knows the introductory premise-- you need to impress when you show up on the carpet. There’s a theme, and you better come up with something that follows it without looking like something that everyone has seen before. I would say that young people are more critical of influencers because we’re the only ones who are hyper-aware of their presence since everyone else is waiting for the big names to arrive.

艾迪生·雷(Addison Rae)是出现的影响者之一,尽管她看上去很漂亮,但她并没有真正为我以前从未见过的东西提供服务。这位20岁的蒂克托克(Tiktok)明星正在为Gucci连衣裙的红色2003汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)拒绝,which happens to be from the same collection as a dress Kourtney Kardashian wore for Christmas in 2019。While I’m sure most people were too occupied to even notice this, the younger generation did,而且他们不让这个滑动轻松。这只是我希望Addison能够创造自己的另一个时刻中的另一个时刻,因为她的好朋友现在与她的首次亮相时刻有联系,就像她的第一次演出。I am a fan of the new hair, though, because the short cut suits her well. It’s quite the jump from her signature brown, wavy locks, so we’ll have to see if she’s going to be making any more big changes to her TikTok look in the future.

大多数出席会议的艾迪生(Addison)等有影响力的人在星期一晚上没有脱颖而出(他们的时尚外观(除了尼克·德·贾格(Nikkie de Jager)),我想知道其中的一部分是否是因为他们被吓倒了,不想摇摆太多。设计师知道他们不是此时此刻,因此通常将它们放入更加柔和的东西时,大人物戴上声明作品时,通常会更安全。Tiktoker Dixie D'Amelio出现在Valentino,这是受奥黛丽·赫本(Audrey Hepburn)的启发,帽子是带有黑色缎面迷你连衣裙,搭配白色手套的黑色缎面迷人的关注中心。我认为她看起来不错,并在她的大都会晚会上首次亮相平衡了奢侈和简单。这件衣服的剪裁非常适合戏剧性的帽子,因为它没有为中心舞台而战。

关于算法的事情是,他们非常了解您,因此,尽管有些其他人可能已经获得了大都会的rihannas,但我的时间表上都有抹灰痴迷与艾玛·张伯伦(Emma Chamberlain)。

对于那些不熟悉她的人,她是20岁的YouTuber。艾玛(Emma)绝对是我在影响者中穿着最佳打扮的冠军。虽然我不能出来说她看起来完全适合自己,但她是最接近影响者传统名人的人之一。艾玛(Emma)在路易·威登(Louis Vuitton),这是一件不对称的迷你连衣裙,穿着短列火车,可为酷女孩提供氛围。她的头发和化妆对我来说是将这种外观捆绑在一起的原因。由于绿色的妆容使她的眼睛流行,它代表了好莱坞的金色魅力。Emma also didn’t have that scared puppy-eyed look that I’ve seen lots of influencers take on when they’re on the carpet, but she also didn’t look like she was trying too hard to fit in with super intense eyes. She was confident, fierce, and knew exactly where to look. Emma was also one of Vogue’s interviewers on the carpet, and has been involved in the fashion world since she started social media influencing, which is most likely why she got the best look among the influencers of the night.

Even though the younger generation may not be understanding the historical weight of the night, I think it’s safe to say that it only helps the cause. No matter the theme, the Met Gala always feeds off of chatter. Eventually, Gen Z will be the primary target audience for the Met, so maybe some don’t understand the nitty gritty yet, but that’s the homework – which they can do. The bigger challenge is how they’re going to keep proving they belong there. Social media moves quickly. Attention spans are short. Who Gen Z cares about today is not who they’ll care about in a month. The next Met Gala is nine months away. Who earned a second invite?