杰西·艾森伯格(Jesse Eisenberg)有片刻,弗莱什曼遇到了麻烦- 我已经落后了,时间是什么,您如何管理?当你拯救世界时

2020年,艾森伯格(Eisenberg)写了一部相同名字的音频戏剧,讲述了卡茨(Katz)一家人生活中不同地点的音频戏剧,现在他已经将其变成了一部故事片,在他们一生的一个特定时刻都集中在卡茨家族上。The time jumps make sense in the audio drama, but I can easily see how unwieldy it would get in a film, so it was a good call on Eisenberg’s part to streamline the story and focus on Evelyn—called Rachel in the audio drama and voiced by Kaitlyn Dever—and her teenaged son, Ziggy, played by Finn Wolfhard in both versions. The trailer dropped the other day and yeah, Finn Wolfhard has playing a solipsistic teen down pat.

朱利安·摩尔(Julianne Moore)在这种迭代中扮演他的母亲,这是一个为家庭虐待幸存者提供庇护所的女人。世界在圣丹斯(Sundance)首映并在蒂夫(Tiff)踢球,这两个地方都受到了好评。一致的评论是,这些角色是不可能的,这肯定是在预告片中通过的。齐吉(Ziggy)是一个典型的少年,父母不了解他,他的母亲与他的现实离婚,甚至都不知道“直播”是什么。而且伊芙琳(Evelyn)并不害怕抚养她的儿子是一个少年。她说:“您不再对自己的小世界之外的任何事物感兴趣。”好像这并不是所有青少年所做的事情。

抛弃音频戏剧时漫长的框架的缺点是,我们可能会坚持这些人特别不愉快而没有松了一口气。音频戏剧至少向我们展示了他们生活中不同点的三个中心角色,瑞秋(Rachel),齐吉(Ziggy)和内森(Nathan)。We can contrast “college student Rachel” with “Ziggy’s mom Rachel” and understand how things worked out, and how she went from A to B. The movie isn’t going to use that same framing, though, so I really hope watching Julianne Moore and Finn Wolfhard be a contentious parent-child duo is rewarding in and of itself. I’m not as big on the audio drama as some (it won an Audie Award for Original Work in 2021), but I am curious to see how Eisenberg translates as a director. His taste as an actor runs to the navel gaze-y and/or vaguely sociopathic, and this trailer is giving strong navel gaze vibes. Which then begs the question, what would the vaguely sociopathic Jesse Eisenberg movie look like?

附件 - 前几天在纽约出去。1zplay