我是朱莉娅·罗伯茨·斯坦(Julia Roberts Stan)。我没有什么要隐藏的。今年秋天意识到她过生日的最悲伤的时刻之一,我不能假装奥普拉(Oprah)采访她的所有“朱莉娅(Julia is fiftyyyyyy)”。

我对她所做的一切都感到非常高兴(并穿着 - 我会在一秒钟内完成)。就像她出现在e!地毯被介绍后,就像:“哦,E!有点像背景一样闻名[发出低调,略带嘲讽的男孩欢呼声]。”在一句话中,她在观察中聪明,低调地取笑它们,并暗示她正在寻找这些背景欢呼的地方,从而使尿尿脱离了自己。


I wrote elsewhere about the ‘I’m not winning’ dress, and this is a perfect, perfect example – so much so that it’s actually a Stella McCartney pantsuit which makes her look so chill she might be at her cousin’s wedding …and then proceeds to take a bunch of pictures like this.



鸡还是鸡蛋?她是否选择自己会感到舒适的东西,知道她可以生产每个人都指望的朱莉娅·罗伯特时刻?还是她对整个事件如此自由放任 -归乡很壮观,但许多人都没有看到本回来了是否从人们的意识中滑出来 - 她没有付出太多努力,因此似乎更多?

自从我看了归乡I’ve been telling anyone who will listen that Julia Roberts’ greatest skill is this easiness, this fun-but-not-too-warm vibe of someone who doesn’t need your approval but loves her life – not just because it endears her to us, but because it actually belies what a good actress she really is. You can watch her in我最好的朋友的婚礼或者艾琳·布罗科维奇(Erin Brockovich)忘了她还拥有狭窄的脆弱性,迫使您进入八月:奥色治郡归乡

She’s a great actress who also has a big, magnetic personality (even if it’s not for you, you can’t deny it’s a massive part of her appeal) that makes almost everyone in Hollywood delight to be around her, or she’s a big magnetic, movie-star personality who also happens to be a talented actress. Which is it? Chicken or egg?