朱莉娅·福克斯(Julia Fox)已达到“杂货店在她的内衣里购物”名望的阶段,所以这15分钟即将上升。(自己去fug)

著名的Covid Denier Eric Clapton抓获了Covid。不,你不说。令人震惊。(列入)

美国广播公司(ABC)表示,他们愿意让克里斯·洛克(Chris Rock)主持2023年奥斯卡。我是说。感觉不可避免,对吗?(Celebitchy)


这是泰勒·霍金斯(Taylor Hawkins)最后几天的令人心碎的说法,他在巡回演出中浮出水面。Unfortunately, it turns into a bit of a he said/he said, as all of Hawkins’ friends recall him expressing weariness with travel and bouts of intense stage fright, but Dave Grohl and the Foo Fighters, through representatives, deny that he ever raised any concerns with them. That is…not a great look, given how many people outside the band seemed aware Hawkins was struggling. But this is worth a read, just to understand the toll touring takes on even the most successful bands, and to farewell one of rock’s most popular dudes. (Rolling Stone)