Dear Gossips,

自上周五以来,与我在CTV的同事一起,我一直在研究变革与行动:加拿大种族主义,这是一个90分钟的特别节目,将于明天,6月13日(星期六)晚上8点在CTV上播出。这对我们的整个团队都充满了回报和挑战,我们与Black Lives Matter等激进领导人进行了一系列对话,多伦多创始人Sandy Hudson和作家Desmond Cole(我们所处的皮肤);Cameron Bailey, artistic director of the Toronto International Film Festival; investigative reporter Tanya Talaga (七羽羽毛:北部城市的种族主义,死亡和艰难的真理);MLA的Wab Kinew,曼尼托巴反对派领导人;著名艺术家和学者Syrus Marcus Ware,还有更多。

All week, we’ve been doing interviews, coordinating guests, writing scripts, reading and researching, and for most of us, this has been in addition to of our regularly scheduled work activities. We’re supposed to put the finishing touches on the special today, shooting the opening and the close (all of this from home), so that our editors can package the show together to go to air tomorrow night. The turnaround was always going to be tight, the way broadcast and production timelines have all been tight for the last three months since the start of the pandemic. It’s now even tighter because we got caught in a sh-t storm yesterday after influencer萨沙·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)暴露了杰西卡·穆洛尼(Jessica Mulroney)为了艾米·陪伴她。杰西卡的表演,我做重做,在CTV上播出。或至少确实如此。我做重做昨天被从所有CTV平台中提取。她与我的同事本·穆罗尼(Ben Mulroney)结婚EtalkYour Morning


外自己的特殊的采访,我been sitting in on the interviews that my colleagues, Tyrone Edwards, Marci Ien, and Anne-Marie Mediwake have been doing – and learning from each and every one of them. My role in this special is to facilitate certain sections of the program but mostly to learn. As a non-Black person of colour, I have bias. I have been conditioned by white supremacy. I have grown but I must continue to disabuse myself of my institutionalised racism. And I hope that Canadian viewers will join us as we confront some ugly truths about our country, and have an honest conversation about how we can end anti-Black racism together.

Some of you are probably here today for more insight on the Sasha Exeter-Jessica Mulroney situation. I get that. I have an insider’s perspective. And this has been a huge gossip story in Canada with public interest internationally because of Jessica’s friendship with Meghan Markle. As I said yesterday in名人社交媒体,我不能着急这篇文章,这就是为什么我昨天没有写关于它的原因。首先,某些作品仍在发挥作用,例如CTV对事件的回应。直到CTV发布了官方声明,我什至无法在这里正确解决这个问题,他们在星期四下午530点左右做到了这一点:

除了我们在等待声明下降时,我对这一说法的说法不能太多。对于参与特殊活动的人来说,鉴于特惠被称为变更与行动:加拿大的种族主义,而黑人妇女是我们网络上的杰出人物的目标,显然我们的倡导能力会脱节for change if action wasn’t taken. One of the hosts of the special, Marci Ien (who is a close friend and a colleague on社交)是萨沙·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)的姨妈。


我一直在尝试的观点(可能是未能成功的)是,以公然和阴险的方式,白人特权的成本。由于杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)所做的事情,萨沙·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)在过去几周中遭受了无可估量的痛苦。她遭受了创伤,真正的身体和精神伤害。但这也偷走了她的能量,本来可以花在与家人和创造性产出的时间中的时间。同样,这也是杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)的F-CKSH-T:萨沙(Sasha)的朋友和家人,她的顾问和她的伴侣的影响的许多其他人的能量,他们也被杰西卡(Jessica)的平淡无奇的犯规所抛弃。而且连锁反应持续到了直接圈子,因为与杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney其他黑人妇女




Yours in gossip,
