On Friday, Kathleen写了一块at Refinery29 about what Sasha Exeter shared on在stagram last Wednesday以及某些媒体如何涵盖这个故事。从虚荣博览会到电报再到加拿大媒体,其中许多人一直在描述杰西卡·穆洛尼(Jessica Mulroney)倾向于对萨沙·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)的白人特权,这是一个“争议”,​​你知道那是多么的负担:从这些头条新闻头条中出现的图片reduce the egregiousness of Jessica’s actions to two women scrapping over Instagram, thereby minimising the racial inequalities from where white privilege derives its power.

然而,我的一个朋友向我指出,在讨论萨莎·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)发生的事情时,还有其他值得研究的话,特别是萨沙(Sasha)本人用来描述杰西卡(Jessica)如何欺负她的话。在her Instagram video,萨沙说:

“Listen, I’m by no means calling Jess a racist. But what I will say is this: she is very well aware of her wealth, her perceived power and privilege because of the colour of her skin. And that, my friends, gave her the momentary confidence to come for my livelihood in writing.”

请注意,在她的故事的这一部分中,当她回忆起杰西卡的威胁时,萨莎(Sasha)的预示着确定自己没有“称杰西为种族主义者”而预示着。她继续描述种族主义的运作方式 - 肤色与力量和特权的结合 - 但她开始告诉人们她不是在这里宣布杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)是种族主义者。与萨曼莎·玛丽·韦尔(Samantha Marie Ware)上周在她的采访中描述了Lea Michele一样with Variety

“ Lea甚至知道什么是微型侵入?我不知道。她的道歉所做的一切只是确认她什么都没学。我叫Lea是种族主义者吗?否。LEA有种族主义倾向吗?我认为,Lea患有量身定制白人的行业中生活在这个世界上的症状。”

It’s an interesting choice, and whether or not it was intentional, Sasha Exeter’s eight words, “I’m by no means calling Jess a racist”, make the rest of her story more palatable to white people, the very people who need to be convinced that what happened to Sasha is racist. And this is because of white fragility.

在her book, White Fragility, Robin DiAngelo, who is white, identifies white fragility as one of the major barriers to confronting and eradicating racism because white people are more afraid of being called a racist than the work it takes to battle racism. As Robin told Nosheen Iqbal in an interview for去年的监护人

“I know my people really well, and we will do whatever we can to mark ourselves as ‘not racist’”.

基本上,当您称白人为种族主义者,或以白人至上为条件的任何非黑人或非土著人都关闭时,他们关闭了。他们无法接受自己,然后以恐惧为中心 - 换句话说,他们以这种情况为中心,这进一步阻止了他们对黑人社区的同情心。萨沙·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter),无论是故意的还是本能的,都在通行证中切断了这种反应,并说她没有称杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)为种族主义者,她增加了观众白人成员更容易接受她的故事的可能性。

你可以说这样的解决方案end only accommodates white fragility, and you’re probably right, but my point is that even when a Black woman is right, even when she has been victimised by a white woman flexing her white privilege over her and threatening her livelihood, and can prove it (!), she still has to perform the LABOUR of telling her story in a way that she knows will best prove her case to white people. It’s a double injustice. It is yet another example of how frustrating – to say the least – it is to be Black in the world. That when the facts are on your side, when you are telling the truth, you still have to serve it up so that it’s presentable to the white world.


萨沙·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)告诉她的追随者,她“不称杰西为种族主义者”。但是她确实告诉她的追随者杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)所做的是种族主义者。

Of course it is. She is white and we live in a world built on the pillars of systemic and institutionalised racism. So for those of us who are not Black and not Indigenous, even those of us who are people of colour, shaped by the racist DNA around us, while we may not call ourselves racist, we have all done racist things.


但是这里有机会。如果我们可以接受我们都有种族主义行动,我们可以解决这些行动。改变一个人可能会感觉像是一项压倒性的事业,但是改变行动是可以采取行动的。A series of changed actions can be the beginning of a changed person.杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)再次陷入困境。几次。她的第一个道歉严重不足。她跟进了另一个威胁 -“责任(SIC)诉讼。祝你好运。”她的后续道歉是(在邮政时)在她的Instagram提要上发布仍然是sh-tty。因为她两次称其为“分歧”,唯一的道歉和唯一有效的道歉是承认她的白人特权。但是她不能,因为她的白色脆弱性。

当CTV时announced on Thursday那个杰西卡的表演,我做重做, was pulled, she posted on Instagram stories – which is temporary and disappears after 24 hours –


Jessica on Stories

Jessica is acknowledging her white privilege IN GENERAL, but she hasn’t specifically connected her white privilege to what she did to Sasha which, by the way, isn’t even a true representation of it since it’s used as a descriptor, with a comma in between “white” and “privileged”. Is this nit-picking? I guess some would see it that way. But considering that she jeopardised the livelihood of a Black woman by threatening to use her influence and her status, aka her white privilege, just because her feelings were hurt, and at a time of civil unrest, I suggest that if you’re fixating on the “nit-picking”, you’re missing the bigger picture – and you may want to examine why.

然而,杰西卡(Jessica)道歉的缺点以及她解决这种情况的其他尝试,使我们进入了谈话的下一部分 - 这就是杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)在世界各地的发展。

自2005年我首次加入Etalk作为记者以来,我就与杰西卡的丈夫本·穆罗尼(Ben Mulroney)合作。本是演出的共同主持人。我目前是代理共同主持人,为主持人丹妮尔·格雷厄姆(Danielle Graham)的产假而填补。本和我在过去十年中几乎参加了几乎所有主要娱乐活动,包括多个奥斯卡奖,朱诺奖,CSA,CSA,威廉王子和凯特·米德尔顿的婚礼,今年,我们第一次在金球奖中并排参加金球奖涵盖活动。考虑到我们的专业历史,在您看来,Ben和我很亲密。从许多方面来说,我们很接近 - 两个人可以接近,但只有在工作和工作时才在工作。我周末看不到本。我不经常给他发短信。我们不重叠朋友圈。 I hardly go out. I have no idea where he hangs. At work though, yes, there is mutual respect and trust. I know I can go to him in a live situation and he will catch me, as he knows that I will catch him. He is to me, as Thor would say, “下班的朋友”。本会喜欢这个笑话,但我认为他可能生我的气。

I was already at Etalk when Ben started dating Jessica. We partied together a couple of times during the early part of their relationship when Jessica joined our work crew after the Junos one year and after the Oscars another year. Other than that, though, Jessica and I have not had a relationship. The reason I’m telling you this is because I have been asked /accused repeatedly whether or not my connection to Jessica also connects me to Meghan Markle and whether or not this has resulted in compromised coverage on this website – which is why there have been so many eyeballs coming here since Sasha Exeter called Jessica out, wondering if my “friendship” with Jessica would taint my analysis of this story.

我了解阴谋。毕竟,“巧合还是阴谋?”是我最喜欢说的话之一。那些相信阴谋指出了一张群体照片,该照片已在2015年11月拍摄,并在杰西卡(Jessica)的Instagram上发布。(By the way, this is not the first time I’ve made clear my lack of relationship with Meghan Markle. I’ve talked about it in many interviews and we talked about it a lot a few years ago on the What’s Your Drama podcast when it was still called Sasha Answers – here’s a link to其中之一。)照片中的人是:Ben和Jessica Mulroney;梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)和当时的男友科里·维蒂洛(Cory Vitiello);克里斯蒂娜(Christina)和特雷弗·林登(Trevor Linden)(当时是温哥华加人队的总统);我和我的丈夫Jacek;和MichaelBublé。晚餐是为了庆祝迈克尔·布布莱(MichaelBublé)的加拿大名人之旅。那是我第一次也是唯一一次与梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)交谈。我们坐在桌子的另一端。只有在晚餐的尽头,人们才能四处走动,我发现自己在她旁边。我们交谈了大概15分钟,20个上衣。 About dogs. She had a beagle, I have two beagles.

从那以后,我与梅根(Meghan)没有直接或间接的联系。而且我与杰西卡几乎没有接触。我上次认为我亲自见到杰西卡(Jessica)是一年前,即在CTV前派对上。我们在一个小组中交谈了十分钟。我呆了一个小时,离开了,因为那是一个上学之夜。本和我不谈论梅根,信不信由你。实际上,本根本没有谈论梅根。如果您是我们节目的定期观众,您可能会注意到Ben永远不会摆脱有关Meghan的任何故事。当我们介绍有关梅根的八卦,而lol赛事中心我们在演出中八卦她的八卦,这从来都不涉及本。正如您所看到的那样,他在哈里王子和梅根·马克尔的婚礼上是前面和中间的,在演出事实后,他没有谈论它。 He talked about his sons and their viral moment at church, but he did not go on our show to share anything about the wedding, the reception, the after-party. That’s how we avoid the conflict of interest. As for how it works on this site, mostly my coverage of Meghan is gossip analysis. Occasionally, yes, I might have the inside baseball about the timing of a story, or how it was placed where it was, or some insight about courtier machinations, but that sourcing comes from other places, and not the Mulroneys. In fact, I’ve been indirectly critical of Jessica in connection to Meghan on several occasions.

如您所知,杰西卡(Jessica)是梅根(Meghan)的造型师。当我们在这里对梅根(Meghan)进行时尚批评时,这是对杰西卡(Jessica)作品的评估。我肯定批评了杰西卡的作品。如果您需要一个例子,那是爱尔兰的罗兰·穆雷特(Roland Mouret)连衣裙,您可以看到她的无肩带胸罩的轮廓,是一个实例。业余时间”是我提到直接与杰西卡(Jessica)的造型师信誉直接说话的那种服装的样式的方式。

在dependent of Jessica Mulroney, where Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are concerned, I have also snarked at their thirst – here’s a recent post where I write that they can be just as “thirsty for the spotlight as any celebrity”。几周前,我与Aminatou Sow谈到了这一集打电话给你的女朋友播客只是上周五发布。我们在她的节目中讨论了哈利和梅根应该通过名人镜头受到审问,但是那个舞蹈是多么棘手,因为英国小报对她的攻击是多么的种族主义,似乎任何批评似乎都被所有批评都陷入了困境。racist f-cksh-t and, frankly, I don’t want to share space with that. To me, this isn’t favourtism, it’s fairness.

To go back to Jessica though, her friendship with Meghan Markle has been a personal and professional asset to Jessica, and Jessica only. I’ve no doubt that Jessica works hard, and I don’t want to take away any woman’s accomplishments and discredit her work, but at the same time, let’s not pretend that her Amy Coopering of Sasha Exeter would have been the worldwide story it was if not for her connection to Meghan of House Sussex. Those of us in Toronto media and in Jessica’s socialite circles would have cared about it, but there is no way that one Canadian influencer using her white privilege to threaten another Canadian influencer could have topped gossip headlines around the world if not for the Meghan adjacency. Which is why Jessica is so obsessively protective of their relationship, almost to the point of paranoia. She walks a fine line of playing it to her advantage. A few people have told me that it is specified clearly in her pitch deck on the second page that she will under no circumstances ever talk about Meghan Markle. But the first page of the deck is a photo of her …at Meghan Markle’s wedding. And you probably saw that in her first apology to Sasha Exeter, she brought up Meghan without naming her, “my closest friend”, leaning on their friendship as a way to seek forgiveness.



这就是为什么梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)不是我,八卦博客作者和杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)之间的lol赛事中心秘密纽带的原因;实际上,这是使我们自然脱颖而出的原因。杰西卡(Jessica)无法承受任何会推动她最好和最有价值的朋友的冒险,尤其是靠近不断闲聊她的人。lol赛事中心我是说我不想要那个连接吗?请。我当然会有。但是,鉴于您现在对杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)的了解,鉴于您对白人特权和力量的了解,杰西卡·穆尔尼(Jessica Mulroney)为什么想与我分享这一点?梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)是杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)的超级大国。她将这种超级大国保留给自己。

该网站Laineygossi1zplaylol赛事中心p.com独立于CTV及其母公司Bell Media运行。CTV对我在此处发布的内容没有发言权。我不必通过它们清除任何内容,也没有通过它们清除这篇文章。1zplaylol赛事中心Laineygossip.com是在我加入Etalk之前成立的,我想保留对建造物品的控制权。因为CTV和我在Laineygossip.com上都非常清楚和尊重我的自主权,所以我能够写出我想要的东西,即使这涉及到与Etalk可能与之建立关系的名人。1zplaylol比赛视频2019lol赛事中心例如,我将#NeverForget贾斯汀·汀布莱克(Justin Timberlake)是自恋的朋克。作为娱乐品牌的eTalk永远不会也不应该拒绝对JT的访问。因此,我永远不会采访JT的Etalk。为我工作!


杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)到目前为止,她自己的非Meghan Markle与Markle相关的活动,从未有Laineygossip.com的内容。1zplaylol赛事中心我什至不谈论真正的家庭主妇在这里,确实是或所有这些范德普普people. And if I’m not posting about them, there’s no reason for me to post about Jessica. The dramas and scandals of Toronto personalities, when those dramas and scandals have nothing to do with one of the most famous women in the world, do not matter to the majority of people who come here.

但是,当杰西卡·穆罗尼·艾米(Jessica Mulroney Amy)合作萨莎·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)时,它超出了多伦多市的范围。这个故事是国际的。记得几周前萨曼莎·玛丽·韦尔(Samantha Marie Ware)喊出Lea Michele从那时起,越来越多的人感到胆大,以提出有关Lea不良行为的故事?这是我们与杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)在一起的地方。

那就是谈话重返白人特权的时候,我可以承认有利益冲突。There’s a reason Sasha Exeter was so afraid to tell her story – Jessica Mulroney has ties to all kinds of brands and brand marketers in Canada and so many of them, aware of her fame by association to Meghan Markle, either work with her or want to work with her. She is at the top of the invitation list for every event. And while they’ll never admit to it now, she is granted special privileges, and some of those privileges include behaviour that wouldn’t be tolerated by almost any other influencer in the city. Before last week, before Sasha Exeter told her story, there were a lot of people in Canadian media with their own Jessica Mulroney stories. Some of them are thinking of telling them now after Sasha opened the door. But they don’t work with her husband.

本是我们网络最大的明星之一。他有很多资历。我也是网络的面孔。我也有资历。而且,作为我自己的三个Bell Media Properties(Etalk,社会和渴望:余幕秀)的主持人,我也有特权。尽管如此,即使我也担心穆勒。因为我是有色女人。因为我没有家庭联系。因为我经营着一个八卦博客,这意味lol赛事中心着我对许多品牌都不是“家庭友好”或“安全”。而且我也依靠品牌合作伙伴关系,尤其是在大流行期间,当广告预算缩减并减少了数字广告费率时。 So if you do want the gossip about Jessica – and that’s probably why you came here today and are still reading this loooooong post – this is what I can tell you: the Toronto arts and media circle is pretty small so you hear things. People are afraid of retribution. I am afraid of retribution – and I guess I’ve just made it worse with this post. Retribution might not come this week or next week, but in three or six months, when Jessica’s white privilege (which is already working in her favour, since as small as the Toronto arts and media circle is, it’s also homogeneous, and many of the people who work at the media, marketing, and branding agencies are also largely white so they identify and sympathise with her) is reactivated. She has powerful allies. If I’m worried, then, and I have a platform, imagine the people out there who don’t have my advantages.


我们中的许多人上周“喜欢”萨莎·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)的帖子,我们很确定mulroneys正在跟踪它们。在周三晚上,当所有这些都倒闭时,我可以肯定地告诉您,至少一封电子邮件从穆罗尼营地发送给了一个“喜欢”萨沙的帖子的人,这些帖子有些威胁。这是一封发送消息的电子邮件,这就是接收和内部化的方式:您正在监视中,因此您应该考虑自己的身边。

想象一必须有ab的信心le to write and send an email like this on Wednesday night, while so many people are hearing about a case of white privilege aggression against a Black woman, while Sasha Exeter had exactly zero confidence when she was explaining the FACTS of what happened to her. But this is what makes white privilege so intimidating: it’s wrong and strong; white privilege can be STRONGER when it’s wrong. And a lot us enable it. I have enabled it my whole life with my own white-adjacency, my own limited advantages. I have bought into the idea that white privilege can’t be confronted. And my complacency has made me complicit in the endorsement of white privilege, allowing white privilege to flourish and damage.

像我这样的人是杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)感到如此有权威胁萨莎·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)的原因。看起来如此……简单,不是吗?就像不是第一次吗?杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)一遍又一遍地展示了她的白人特权。萨莎·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)叫她出去,作为回应,她威胁她。萨莎(Sasha)公开了,她弯曲了她的梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)友谊,对她的道歉进行了半道​​,然后再次威胁她,以“责任(SIC)诉讼”。错误和坚强是可怕的。白人特权令人恐惧 - 它吓坏了萨沙,而且恐怖了许多其他人。仍然。


白人特权是自私的。杰西卡·穆罗尼(Jessica Mulroney)与梅根·马克尔(Meghan Markle)的关系对她和她有好处。实际上,尽管她从中受益,但它已成为其他所有人的责任。因为它放大了她的白色特权,她将其挥舞于其他人身上。因此,即使她f-ckke up and危害了这种关系,这只是对她的奖励,所以许多其他人都必须付出代价。其他黑人妇女,例如她的朋友特雷西·摩尔(Tracy Moore),被拖入其中。Mindy Kaling被拖入其中(Jessica替代她),因为人们在她的评论中提出要求解释他们的友谊。慈善机构受到影响

尽管如此,仍然有些人害怕掌握白人特权。那些坚持它的人有很多损失。萨沙·埃克塞特(Sasha Exeter)不必输。