珍妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)昨晚回到纽约的纪录片首映1zplay半场,打开翠贝卡节。I’ve read a few reviews today and most of them say the same thing – this is a celebration of JLo’s tenacity, there are few personal revelations, and there’s no real meaningful and objective analysis of her career and celebrity and place in the culture which… I mean… yeah. From Katy Perry to Lady Gaga to Taylor Swift and Billie Eilish and the other artists who’ve put out similar work, why did we ever think celebrity self-interrogation was actually possible? But also, who was expecting it, lol. I’m not sure those who’ll be mainlining this documentary (me included) are going into it thinking we’re getting the “real” JLo and not JLo produced by JLo. But also behind-the-scenes and live production porn. That’s the sh-t I live for.

无论如何,我们可以谈论更多半场下周开始在Netflix上流式传输。目前,她昨晚穿着有史以来最JLO的连衣裙在红地毯上 - 一件纯粹和黑色的天鹅绒汤姆·福特(Tom Ford)连衣裙,好吧,您可以理解为什么她特别挑选了这一刻。如果没有展示她一直想炫耀的所有东西,您还希望她穿什么?我只是希望我能从背面找到更多的镜头,因为我想知道那些透明的皮带正在连接到什么。


詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez1zplay




詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez1zplay
