
Lin-Manuel Miranda的百老汇音乐剧的备受期待的电影改编在高度,自上周末上映以来,没有受到最热烈的欢迎,因为这部电影被有关这部电影如何通过将黑人拉丁裔表演者降级为背景而掩盖了这部电影如何永久化色情。

网上的话语确实是由根的采访与导演乔恩·朱(Jon M. Chu)一起,他回应了批评,即大多数主要角色都由浅色或白人迎合的拉丁裔演员填补。他承认这是他们谈论的事情,最后试图获得“最适合这些角色的人”,but says it’s a good conversation to have. And that’s basically where his contribution to the conversation ended. At one point Jon did ask the producer from The Root if they noticed darker skinned and Black talent in the musical numbers. In her response to Jon, she explained how casting Black Latinx talent as background dancers or in roles with no lines isn’t groundbreaking.

是什么让缺乏Afro-Latinx表示so aggravating to the community is that they were expecting to see themselves when they turned on this film. The movie is set in Washington Heights, an Upper Manhattan neighbourhood with a prominent population of Afro-Dominicans, Black Cubans, and darker-skinned Latinx people. So why doesn’t it look like Washington Heights? Lin-Manuel Miranda, who served as a producer on the film,告诉Indiewirethat when casting, his mandate was,“必须是看起来像属于175街的人,因为那是我们要去的地方。”不幸的是,这是他在电影中第175街上看到的肤色较轻的人,而在电影中,许多生活在那条街上的人都看不见自己的邻居。黑人拉丁裔粉丝还处理的一些痛苦来自再次被拉丁社区排除在外。从历史上看,拉丁人没有完全拥抱非洲的根源,因为某些非洲人觉得他们被视为少于或所做的“pick a side”because of their skin colour. So when this movie comes along that’s being billed as a love-letter to Latinx culture and they don’t see themselves, that’s reinforcing the colourism they’ve felt throughout their lives. In hearing these messages from the community, Lin-Manuel admitted they’d fallen short in a message本周早些时候发布到Twitter


这正是我想听到的。他正在听并承诺下次做得更好。这并不能摆脱他为提升有色人种,尤其是主流媒体的拉丁裔社区的工作。如果有的话,他会强调自己是一个伟大的拥护者。没有人愿意拆除LMM,但我认为没有人毫无责任。LMM如果他永远不了解,就不会做得更好,所以我们必须告诉他。但是,丽塔·莫雷诺(Rita MorenoThe Late Show在星期二,甚至没有被询问的情况,辩护在高度against colourism accusations.

她给了非常非洲latinx人需要等待轮到他们我认为能量以及她说的“wait a while and leave it alone”, it reinforces colourism. Wait for how long? It’s always the fairest-skinned people who get to be the first ones to walk through the door and darker-skinned people have to wait until after or not at all, and that shouldn’t still be the case — especially when the film was supposed to be presenting a Black and brown neighbourhood . I think she wanted to defend her friend before she really understood the details of what was going on and she apologized about 24 hours after the interview aired. In a statement, she says,“我对自己感到非常失望……我显然对我们拉丁社区重要的黑人生活感到不屑一顾。”而Twitter就主题在高度粉刷华盛顿高地,one user pointed out丽塔·莫雷诺(Rita Moreno)的皮肤实际上是因为安妮塔(Anita)在西边故事中的角色而变得黑暗,为此她赢得了奥斯卡奖。So for her to originally tell Colbert people should “wait a while” before criticizing is disappointing because she knows all too well that Hollywood always has an idea of what they think Latinx should look like on screen and if we don’t push back we’ll never see change.

这些是必要的对话,但与此同时,它们可以发生,而不会让人们不想看电影,因为这些批评并不意味着这是一部可怕的电影,也不意味着它们使它变得不可思议。我相信我们确实需要支持在高度为了获得更多的电影,描绘了Latinx Experience GreenLit,并且在屏幕上,叙事的多样性更加多样性。