
我的“一切都很糟糕”设置为“一切都很棒”的曲调,持续了好几天,现在美国正在进行的所有反LGBTQIA立法都没有帮助。在那里一秒钟,感觉就像我们在平等方面取得了一些进步,但我应该记得这个国家的清教徒根源,并将自己拍打在脸上,永远被那样带走。(如果您想了解美国,请研究降落在普利茅斯岩石上的清教徒的历史,一群更令人痴迷的Killjoys很少存在。他们讨厌所有人,包括所有人,包括自己,鬼魂,鬼魂一直在毁灭聚会。。)这个消息只是对LGBTQIA平等的攻击的不断袭击,从一系列拟议的法律(一些已经批准)的跨性别儿童从参加体育运动,到得克萨斯州的总检察长和德克萨斯州州长,决定性别 - 养生护理是“”虐待”,向爱达荷州寻求制造性别肯定照顾可判处无期徒刑—and wants to stop people from going out of state to seek said care—to JK Rowling’s最新legacy-destroying咆哮.

Adding to the deluge of grim news, this week Disney is in the hot seat for its namby-pamby response to Florida’s “don’t say gay比尔,即将成为signed into lawby the governor. (I don’t want to use any of these politicians’ names, they don’t deserve the metrics.) Disney operates Disney World in Orlando, Florida, and is one of the biggest employers in the state. They alsosell Pride merchandiseand sponsor events duringOrlando’s Gay Dayscelebration, and they have countless members of the queer community working in various capacities throughout the company, and many of those employees and their families will undoubtedly be affected by the pending Florida legislation. But rather than defending their employees who will be impacted by this bill, Disney has remained silent, until this week. On Monday, CEO Bob IIsent a memoto the company letting them know that he nor the company will be issuing a statement on the bill, because“corporate statements do very little to change outcomes or minds. Instead, they are often weaponized by one side or the other to further divide and inflame.”

First of all, he’s right. Corporate statements don’t do squat in matters like this. Second of all, so what? The culture war in the US has reached a level where neutrality isn’t possible. We’re not at “annoying neighbor ranting at the block party” levels anymore, we’ve reached “actual laws on the books doing material harm to marginalized communities” levels. The culture war has been weaponized, and Disney, as a major employer in Florida, has PLENTY of room to swing their political dick around and defend their employees. Part of their whole problem right now, though, is that they’ve already both-sides the issue by donating to both Democrats and Republicans, including some who support the “don’t say gay” bill, a fact that Bob II talks up in his memo. That’s not better, Bob!


Concluding his memo, Bob II notes that the new Chief Corporate Affairs Office, Geoff Morrell, will be reviewing their “advocacy strategies”, including political contributions, and I wonder if Disney will just end up ceasing political contributions altogether. And you know what? That would be GOOD. If we can’t get corporate dollars out of politics with real legislation, we’ll f-cking well do it with wallet legislation. We will make it so goddamned miserable for corporations to be busted contributing to politicians—ANY politicians—that they will voluntarily cease doing it, which is basically where Disney is today. If they officially condemn the Florida law, half their customers will be mad. They haven’t officially condemned the law, and the other half of their customers are mad. They literally cannot win, the division is too entrenched. And sure, a corporate statement won’t heal the rift, would for sure only make it worse, but like…it’s pretty bad already. Would openly standing with your queer employees—and customers—who will be affected by this bill be so bad? You’re going to get roasted either way, might as well go down fighting.


If you would like to know more about supportive trans policy, the Transgender Law Center has anagenda for liberation. And if you or anyone you know needs access to support services, or even just someone to talk to, the反式生命线has numbers in the US and Canada. If you’re in the UK,美人鱼为跨性别和非二元社区的家庭提供支持服务和资源。

