



昨天在大西洋,斯宾塞kornhaber写了关于“劣势双重消息“后面”你需要冷静下来“。这就是泰勒似乎等同于同性恋恐惧症的方式,这对人们的生活带来了真正的威胁,具有名人批评,“以与奇怪人的方式迫害着名的人”。With that in mind, when she’s characterising her years-long feud with Katy as “allowing ourselves to be pitted against each other”, that’s a blame-shift, a convenient overlook of why they stopped being friends in the first place, making it sound like it was the media and sexism that pulled them apart. That society is always trying to turn women into adversaries.



他们没有互相攻击吗?没有其他人开始这次火灾。也就是说,当然,有一定的调理是真的,妇女在社会上有条件地看到对方作为对手 - 这是她试图制作的点吗?If it is, I don’t think it’s landing, and I don’t think it’s landing because Taylor’s narrative has always been “people talk sh-t about me, the media talks sh-t about me, they gave me a reputation, I’ve always been the nice one”. It’d be great if there was a more nuanced conversation about the habits we’re all trying to unlearn, taking ownership of the part we all play in either enabling the systems that work against us or actively being aware of them so that we can challenge them. At some point, we’re probably all the “you” in “You Need to Calm Down”. Was she ever the “you”?