David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, showrunners ofGame of Thrones,have left their planned Star Wars trilogy because they are just too dang busy. Last night news broke that Benioff and Weiss have split with Lucasfilm, and statements came from both Benioff and Weiss, and Lucasfilm president Kathleen Kennedy. Of the parting of ways, B&W said,“We loveStar Wars.When George Lucas built it, he built us too. Getting to talk about Star Wars with him and the current Star Wars team was the thrill of a lifetime, and we will always be indebted to the saga that changed everything.”因此,基本上,他们必须去幻想粉丝训练营,然后决定他们实际上不想做这项工作。

Kathleen Kennedy’s statement is open-ended, not ruling out a B&W return down the line, but please do note the extreme bitchiness of her remarks (emphasis mine):“大卫·贝尼奥夫(David Benioff)和丹·魏斯(Dan Weiss)是令人难以置信的讲故事的人。我们希望将它们包括在前进的旅程中when they are able to step away from their busy schedule to focus on Star Wars.This comment is pushing all the buttons developed by a passive-aggressive Southern grandmother. I am hearing, “I’m sure you’ll do it when you have time,” and, “If it’s important to you, then I suppose it’s important to me,” and, “I’m sure you meant to.” Kathleen Kennedy is basically out here sayingwhen these two bozos sort their sh-t out they can come back to work for me.

这个消息并不完全是出乎意料的,因为周末在奥斯汀电影节上弹出了一条线,贝尼奥夫和魏斯在面板上出现在面板上,将所有的F-CK扔向风,承认他们与Game of Thrones。检查一下:

Everyone is sh-tting on B&W for not knowing what they were doing, but their comments do not sound like that to me. Their remarks are unflattering and I do wonder if they realize how spoiled and privileged they sound, but what I get from this is not that B&W are clueless or bad at their jobs (they did, after all, still manage to shepherd one of the best dramas in history). To me, these are the comments of filmmakers who are not really writers. I know they have both written books, but writing prose and writing for the screen are VERY different skill sets, and just because you can do one, doesn’t mean you can do the other. They come across as directors who write not from a position of narrative-first storytelling, but as, essentially, building a shot list with their script. That is not actually unusual for directors who write, because they are envisioning the movie they will make, not the story they’re tryingto tell.Had Benioff and Weiss not obviously burnt out and decided to short cut to the ending, we probably never would have noticed the difference. What leaps out as most damning about B&W from their comments is just that they did not realize the scope of their undertaking. They underestimated the work of producing a TV show, and they really did need to hire a proper writing staff and delegate more of that work.Game of Throneswas, in the end, too big for two people to manage like that.

I am not convinced that Benioff and Weiss were pulled off Star Wars because they made some assy comments over the weekend. For one thing, decisions this big don’t happen that fast. If anything, I wonder if B&W popped off because they already knew their Star Wars run was over and they perhaps felt like they had nothing to lose. For another, Benioff and Weiss签署了一项大规模Netflix的交易earlier in the summer. At the time, Lesley Goldberg called the five-year deal a “head scratcher” because of B&W’s existing commitment to Star Wars. That trilogy was slated to launch in 2022 and would, presumably, keep B&W busy for most of the 2020s. And yet here is Netflix forking over $250 million, as if they expect B&W to start showing returns immediately.

事后看来,很明显,这两件事有冲突,贝尼奥夫和魏斯将无法管理这两个承诺。在周末回到他们的评论 - 他们承认他们不擅长管理工作量。监督《星球大战》三部曲和Netflix的五年计划是一项大量工作。他们曾经屈服过,谁会说他们不会再做一次?在我看来,B&W再次陷入了困境,这次没有将一个心爱的故事带入地面,而是选择离开《星球大战》并专注于他们的Netflix项目。(可能Netflix可能需要更多的钱,我认为至少对自己生产的任何东西都有部分所有权。他们永远不会拥有一块《星球大战》,因此Netflix具有更大的动力。)

那么所有这些都在哪里留下星球大战?好吧,据我们所知,他们仍然打算在2022年推出一部后巡洋舰的三部曲(他们应该与头像sequels). Lucasfilm still has Rian Johnson andKevin Feige在standby developing projects, but I do kind of wonder if Disney ends up dropping something else into that holiday 2022 spot. Spacing out Star Wars is not the worst thing, we’ve already seen this is not Marvel and audiences don’t actually want a constant drip of Star Wars movies. Besides, they have TV projects for Disney+ coming to fill the galactic void in the meantime, withThe Mandalorian在几个星期内发射,Obi-Wan showsometime in the next couple years. I won’t be shocked if Kennedy & Co. elect to skip that 2022 date and wait until they have a solid story set up for the next generation of Star Wars storytelling.

As for Benioff and Weiss, they’ll be fine. They will have unlimited opportunities to botch the endings of their next projects, and their piles and piles of Netflix money and rack of得到艾美奖使他们在晚上保持温暖。重要的是,他们并没有为HBO做出敬虔的声音同盟表演。做一个星球大战,不要做一个星球大战,只要他们从来没有做那个同盟的表演,他们就会在乎。
