
Before the final season of权力的游戏首先,我残障的是剩下的主要球员赢得铁王位的几率。当我为史塔克(House Stark)遇到赔率时,我给了他们最佳的获胜赔率,但我取消了布兰的资格,因为他的整个三眼乌鸦交易似乎使他摆脱了严肃的争议。好吧,用羽毛将我击倒,因为布兰怪异的斯塔克赢得了铁王座的融化凹槽。在一个被告知的故事中,这似乎是不可能的,因为Bran绝对没有建议他领导,但是权力的游戏本赛季没有特别好说,所以这当然是我们得到的结局。(虽然,应该指出的是乔治·R·R·马丁(George R.R.Thrones节目主持人大卫·贝尼奥夫(David Benioff)和D.B.魏斯得出他的意图结论,所以请读书,读读者!)我实际上不介意布兰成为新国王,这是House Stark重返伟大的一部分。我确实介意,这个故事并没有比丹妮莉丝的垮台更好地支持这一事件。

提利昂实际上概述了什么问题Thrones这个赛季,当他与乔恩·​​斯诺(Jon Snow)交谈时,试图说服他谋杀丹妮莉丝(Daenerys)。提利昂说,丹妮莉丝(Daenerys)认为自己是善良的,她对自己的善良的信念使她对自己的行为邪恶蒙蔽了双眼。在丹妮莉丝(Daenerys)在《古老的格言》中的盛大演讲中,我被提醒我,每个反派都认为他们是自己故事的英雄。这很好地描述了丹妮莉丝。问题是,我们甚至从未见过丹妮莉丝(Daenerys)的良好意图导致道德失败的一个实例,直到她全力以赴烧毁了成千上万的无辜平民。提利昂(Tyrion)列出了丹妮莉丝(Daenerys)杀死的所有时间,并正确地指出,我们庆祝了她的谋杀案,因为她毫无疑问地杀死了坏人。庆祝她最糟糕的冲动是向丹妮莉丝(Daenerys)加强了她是对的,但我们从未见过她滑落在这种信念的斜坡上。我们错过了她为她做一些剧烈的事情的场景更大的好处,只是看到她伤害了人们。

具有讽刺意味的是,我们实际上从布兰(Bran)那里得到了这种非常道德上的并发症,布兰(Bran)在这一集中被重新注册为某种人的英雄,因为他比人类少。丹妮莉丝(Daenerys)所需要的是与勃兰(Bran)得知他是霍多(Hodor)成为“霍多(Hodor)”的原因的那一刻。还记得布兰有多恐惧 - 我们是多么恐怖?这对布兰而言并不是恶意的,这是一个悲惨的错误,但这也是关于在他的新三眼乌鸦势力中潜在潜在毁灭潜力的警告。布兰的能力有危险的优势,霍多是我们了解的渠道。

我们需要一个“霍多尔的时刻”,为丹妮莉丝(Daenerys),尽管她最好的意图,但我们恐惧的时刻,她走得太远了,而不是拳头扑向她对更多有毒的人的处置。我们只需要在“丹妮莉丝燃烧坏人”和“丹妮莉丝解雇城市”之间的垫脚石。我们知道她一直喜欢燃烧敌人 - 我们需要看到她燃烧敌人以外的其他人。我们至少需要一个实例,她烧毁了某些东西或使我们感到不安的人,并使我们质疑我们是否应该首先支持所有这些燃烧。(The Tarleys, arguably, serve this purpose but that happened right after battle, and one of them refused to bend the knee which speaks to a potential for treason, and if we’re going by the standards of Westeros, rulers are justified in eliminating those who commit treason against them – see Varys.)

相反,我们需要与Bran的场景,他的Raven Powers向我们展示了任何东西,以表明他将成为一个好领导者。取而代之的是,从他变成三眼乌鸦的那一刻起,布兰就变成了一个不受限制的鸡巴。提利昂(Tyrion)在这里在这里说话,就像任何人见过麸皮所利用自己的力量使任何人受益的人一样,当我们看到他做的最多的时候就是帮助击倒小指。那不是什么都没有的,但这也不是特别的无私。我理解这样的论点是,由于布兰不想要,他不会过分摆脱野心,我喜欢如何Thronesexplains the new system of rule will work (it’s basically the ancient Celtic system of tanistry, in which rulers are chosen from an eligible pool of heirs and not limited to one specific bloodline). I understand why that would be appealing to survivors wrecked by wars fought by entitled heirs. But I do not like Tyrion out here stumping for Bran as if being the Three-Eyed Raven means he is automatically good.

Ultimately, I don’t mind how it all works out, I just wish the story was better laid to get us here. Bran was such an inconsequential character for so long, it is slightly bizarre he ends up being so critical to the conclusion.权力的游戏是颠覆的期望,所以不deliv呢ering on the “chosen one” Jon Snow becoming king is fine, but Bran needed to be a more essential part of the narrative to truly justify this conclusion. We need something, anything, that validates Tyrion’s faith in Bran’s ability to lead effectively, because we have seen nothing to suggest that, and no matter how well written it is, one Peter Dinklage monologue does not effectively replace proper storytelling. Bran becoming king should have been a moment like Arya killing the Night King, a moment in which his entire journey comes into focus and suddenly we can see the path we never even knew we were on. Instead, Bran becoming king looks like, after a series of soul-crushing defeats, Tyrion has just decided to throw some spaghetti at the wall and see if it sticks. Ask him in ten years if it stuck.