
我和我丈夫期待我们的第一个孩子在八月下旬。我们有一个男孩的名字被钉住了 - 这将是我丈夫已故祖父之后的参议员 - 但我们正在努力同意一个女孩的名字。我们通常喜欢更老的名字,这些名字仍然很漂亮,而且对小婴儿或成年女性来说同样效果也很好。我们最初都非常喜欢露西,但担心它变得太受欢迎了。我们提出的其他一些想法是Lydia,Lane,Elizabeth(太无聊?),Sadie(太时尚?)和Josephine。我丈夫爱Sally,但我不是一个忠实的粉丝。姓氏是一个以“ S”开头的音节。很想得到你的想法!


看,这就是为什么当人们在其他孩子或其他性别中选择的名字时,我感到非常高兴,甚至可以使用他们可以使用但不能使用的名字。You can write ‘old fashioned but pretty sounding’ like a million other people, but telling me that you’re going to use ‘Samson’ for a boy helps a million, because it tells me the extent of names you’d be comfortable with. If I got this same letter but you were going to name your son ‘Phillip’, I’d have very different names to suggest. So, when trying to pin down your style – and noting that Samson (which I love!) is a choice because it was already in the family mix – I can give a lot better opinions on the girl names you’ve listed.

在这种情况下,伊丽莎白是……不是无聊的,本身,但不像您的其他选择那样令人兴奋。如果我们将莉迪亚视为与萨姆森的一个非常完美的名字(也就是说,它具有相同但不受欢迎的,迷人的,但没有流行的征服品质),然后对其他人进行评判,然后对其进行评判,然后I’d say that Sadie and Sally both seem a bit nickname-y; plus you need to consider how you’ll feel if you have a girl named Sadie or Sally and then someday have a son to name Samson – will the same initial bother you? Not that it should, but it’s something to consider.

我确实喜欢Lane,但应该指出,这是您列表中最不分性别的名字。萨迪(Sadie)和莎莉(Sally)是踢脚和昵称,巷道很酷,有点独立,与您的其他选择不同。In that vein, you might also like Lara or Lena (there’s that The Fosters influence again), or Sasha or even something like Athena or Natasha, though I notice that, unlike most people’s lists of girl names, yours is, with the exception of Lydia, almost free of names that end in A, so … maybe you’d prefer Lilith? Too earthy? What about Leona or Leonora? I know you didn’t necessarily want a name with L, but since we’re in that corridor, I want to highlight some of these names that are regularly overlooked. I also came across slightly unusual but longer names that aren’t overly feminine that might appeal – what about something like Holland, or Arden?

So I hear your point on Elizabeth, but I should also point out that I don’t think Josephine is for you, for a very arbitrary-science reason: in my anecdotal experience, people who love this name tend to love it to distraction, as in there’s no debate about it versus any other. That doesn’t have to be true, of course, but it’s different enough from most ‘classic & current’ names, with its ‘-ine’ ending and clear origin of being from Joseph, that it doesn’t often win out as a ‘maybe’. I could be wrong, and will probably get a slew of letters saying “we thought about it, but then…”

So with that in mind, some other longer, classic-but-neglected options under the same banner as Samson include Genevieve, (which I’ll confess is a favourite of mine,) Anastasia, which might satiate your husband’s affection for an ‘s’ name, Cordelia (which really should be more popular than it is – I can’t imagine巴菲吸血鬼杀手尽管我说,作为Cordelia Chase的奉献者,但对此有很多不良影响……但是还有什么让人们远离?只是李尔王?)还是Cosima,还是Cecily?或者,也许您想要诸如露西尔(Lucille)之类的东西,甚至是顽强但仍然超级挑战的凯瑟琳(Katherine)。
