Thirsty dads!

There are a lot of people out there who hold it against Meghan Markle that she has a sh-tty relationship with her father, Thomas. Like she should forgive him simply because “family comes first”. Family SHOULD come first. But then again, life doesn’t always work the way it “should”. Not every human is a good parent. Not every human being is a loyal, supportive family member. If you’ve never experienced family betrayal – first of all, congratulations – this is hard to understand. And so you might say things like, “I could never ignore my mother/ father/ brother/ sister/ uncle/ aunt/ whatever. I can’t imagine not speaking to my mother/ father/ brother/ sister/ uncle/ aunt/ whatever”. If you have experienced the trauma of family betrayal, however, you 100% can relate to why certain people, even if they’re family, are not in your life.

Last week, British author, journalist, and broadcaster Hannah Beckerman wrote a piece about how many people in the UK arejudging Meghanof House Sussex for her fractured relationship with her dad:

Culturally in the United Kingdom, the “family is family” refrain still has incredible potency. No matter how toxic the relationship, or how damaged the parent, plenty of people still believe that you should stick by your relatives whatever the cost to your personal well-being.

She goes on to note that:

梅根(Meghan)与父亲以及她更广泛的家庭的其他成员的激烈关系是许多英国人感到令人讨厌的裂痕,因为许多报纸文章中的评论证明了这一点,更不用说社交媒体了。这是对所谓的传统家庭价值观的冒犯,并忽略了圣经的诫命,以“尊重你的父亲和你的母亲”;的确,在《每日邮报》中,皮尔斯·摩根(Piers Morgan)指责梅根(Meghan)和哈利(Harry)以“无情”的方式“放逐”了托马斯·马克尔(Thomas Markle)的生活。不管梅根和她父亲之间的裂痕的私人背景如何 - 我们都不知道这种背景是什么 - 梅根总是受到责备的首当其冲。

Hannah then writes about her estrangement from her own father, empathising with Meghan’s situation, as she herself has been judged for not burying her pain to uphold the “family is family” ideal.

德雷克的情况并不完全相同,但是有一定的相似之处。德雷克(Drake)的父母很小的时候也离婚了,他谈论了很多关于由多伦多的单身母亲桑迪(Sandi)抚养的,而他的父亲丹尼斯·格雷厄姆(Dennis Graham)在孟菲斯。当他长大时,他的父亲抛弃了,他的感觉是对他的感觉,有时感觉像他父亲不在他身边。

德雷克’s relationship with Dennis has improved over the years. Dennis is often seen at Drake’s parties. He’s been at award shows with him, surrounded by beautiful women, dressed like a boss. Here he is in June after the Raptors’ NBA championship victory parade,talking to TMZ, while flanked by two babes, about how much money he won and all his Hollywood plans.

丹尼斯仍在说话。He went on Nick Cannon’s radio show recently and when asked about his son and their relationship, he claimed that Drake made it all up, made up the sh-t about him not paying child support and being an absentee father, not because of the truth but because it was a better story for his image:

"I had a conversation with Drake about that. I have always been with Drake. I talked to him if not every day, every other day and we really got into a deep conversation about that, 'I said Drake, why are you saying all this different stuff about me man like this is not cool'. He goes 'Dad it sells records,' and I said 'Okay well cool.'"



看。如果您愿意,有很多理由将Drake倾倒。他是一个prick in Rio last week. Hekeeps working with Chris Brown. He’s amaster troll. He has many flaws. But he’s not lying about his dad. Anyone who’s been following Drake from the beginning, in Toronto, can tell you he’s not lying about his dad.

I live in Toronto. I work in the entertainment industry in Toronto. We’ve known about Drake before he became the 6ix God. And if you ask anyone here, anyone who knows Aubrey’s Toronto pop culture history, they’ll tell you that his dad was NEVER a thing. Sandi would pop in from time to time duringDegrassi, even when the kids were old enough that their parents didn’t have to be around, but nobody saw Dennis. Sandi was the one Drake always talked about. Sandi was the constant, Dennis wasn’t mentioned or seen.

In the years since, for sure Drake and Dennis have obviously worked on their relationship. That doesn’t, however, change the past. Dennis might be trying to rewrite it but enough people were there that their memories can’t be wiped and replaced.

As for what their relationship is like right now…

更好 - 然后发生了。对于Drake,将这些信息发布到Instagram上,这些话基本上称他的父亲为机会主义者,这受到了很多伤害。特别是对于已经对敌人火灾保持警惕的人,几乎是病理性的。

Bad things
It's a lot of bad things
That they wishin' and wishin' and wishin' and wishin'
They wishin' on me

In Drake’s mind then, with this message on Instagram, it probably feels like being stabbed from the inside, from where he least expected it – and he’s always expecting it.

So do you think Dennis is groveling now? Or will he take another page out of Thomas Markle’s playbook and go back to the media?