这是您要开始听到的名字:Chloe Zhao。她是一名导演,她只是预订了一个奇迹演出,永恒。Things to know about Chloe Zhao: She’s Chinese, she’s 36 (joining Ryan Coogler as people who make you feel bad about your accomplishments at your age), she was in the running for the Black Widow movie, and she had a film come out this year,骑手,那是那些在雷达(Radar)的幻灯片独立人士中的幻灯片之一,在年底中释放了每个人的狂欢。您可以在Amazon,iTunes等上租用它,而您确实应该租用它。这是一年中(到目前为止)最好的电影之一。She’s the kind of filmmaker that you’re glad to see get a big break like this, but at the same time, you kind of just want her to get all the money in the world to do her own thing forever, although riding the Marvel train to creative freedom certainly worked out for Taika Waititi and Ryan Coogler, so hopefully it works out for Zhao, too.

现在,关于永恒的。这是一个复仇者联盟和银河监护人的团队,因此,即使该项目肯定会有一个中心的女性角色 - 大概可能是这个- 从技术上讲,赵成为第一位制作超级英雄电影的女导演,不明确地以女性英雄为中心,因为是的,女性也可以讲其他类型的故事。MCU周围已经有几个永恒的人:收藏家和大师。这是否意味着Benicio del Toro和Jeff Goldblum将在这部电影中?可能不是。有传言说永恒将设置为MCU的最新事件的过去。这是一种聪明的方式,可以为他们提供呼吸的空间,以在MCU的更大连通性之外呼吸,而永恒的基本上是不朽的,因此,如果一个角色被证明是流行的,他们总是可以在“现代”电影中弹出。

由于这是一个“宇宙”的故事,由杰克·柯比(Jack Kirby)创建,其作品受到影响很大银河护卫队雷神:ragnarok- 这可能是詹姆斯·冈恩(James Gunn)陷入困境的替代特许经营权监护人3。今年早些时候所有这些随着Gunn炸毁,Kevin Feige确认存在永恒项目。They have a script already, so obviously those conversations were a little more developed than Feige made it sound, but still, going from “yeah we’re talking about this” to “we have a director” in less than six months is a little fast, at least on the public confirmations end. They measure their decisions and plan things years in advance, so永恒已经在管道中监护人3崩溃了。我仍然怀疑漫威列出监护人3由于失去了冈恩(Gunn)和卢(Lo),这是一个宇宙的,受柯比(Kirby)影响的外星团队取代了他们的位置。当然,光学元件并没有伤害,紧随驳斥了一个困惑的花花公子,他们雇用了一名崭露头角的女性,却是圣丹斯(Sundance),以指导一个非常相似的项目。
