我长期以来一直是Dave Chappelle的粉丝,但我不能让它十五分钟进入他的新立场特别,更近,他的第六次和最终特别是他的古装Netflix交易的一部分。他总是有他的盲点,但是当他开启时,他是在,当谈到美国的种族不公正时,他是喜剧中最简洁的声音之一。这只是在过去的几年里,他在仇外心理和转铁瘤中翻了一番,这是一种绝对诋毁可能已经努力的任何东西的方式更近。我甚至都不知道那个特别的东西是否有工作,因为我无法从他的打开开始,它是如此粗糙。(如果你想要一个完整的评论更近,我将你指向NPR的埃里克角斗士。)

一些旧的喜剧演员之间存在真正的抵抗力,以便与时代改变他们的行为。这是Gen x“一切都同样糟糕的”讽刺讽刺地讽刺,在那里我们找到了Chappelle的喜欢,南方公园马特•斯通和特雷帕克,瑞奇·热维斯,Louis CK, and a host of other comics, popular and not. Comedians will insist that everything and everyone is fair game, that anything can be funny, and that’s true! Anything can be funny, if the right person is telling the joke. Dave Chappelle can tell jokes about race and being Black in America that no one else can, but when it comes to the trans community, he doesn’t have it. The material isn’t there. All he’s doing is attacking an already vulnerable minority and refusing to acknowledge any degree of intersectionality while he’s at it.

我希望每个喜剧演员都在理论上成为博士学位吗?不,当然不。但是,如果你打算在你喜剧中解决一个敏感的科目,你最好做你的f-cking家庭作业。因为“任何东西可以有趣”硬币的另一边是“在正确的上下文”。当涉及到LGTBQ +社区时,Chappelle没有正确的上下文。他只是猛击,利用他的地位作为2000年代最成功的,着名的喜剧演员之一,以攻击已经在各方围攻的社区。这不好笑,这就是恰到意思。更糟糕的是,他抱着达芙妮达姆坦,是一个常常为他开放的反式漫画,作为防止批评。二聚体在2019年被自杀死亡,但你没有听到Chappelle解决这个问题,或者他的“笑话”和其他人喜欢他们的角色,因为他们为像她这样的独立和女性而创造一个不安全和不受欢迎的世界。No, he just announces he’s a TERF, like that’s something to be proud of, and then plays the “my trans friend” card in a way that would (rightly) infuriate him if someone used him to play the “my Black friend” card.

我不是在喜剧中寻找完美。这是不可能的。整个艺术建立在试验和错误之上,并且喜剧以BreakNeck节奏演变,而不是除了音乐之外的任何其他表演艺术的敏感性。If you’re writing jokes, you’re going to botch more than one landing on your way to the good stuff, and there has to be room for bad material to fail and for comedians to move on from it without getting roasted for trying it. What I do look for, though, is evolution, that when the bad material does fail, comics keep working their act till they get it right. Sometimes, that means abandoning a premise altogether because you simply cannot make it work—I have cut so many jokes over the years because I couldn’t stick the landing. And sometimes it means working harder and smarter until you get there and the punchline lands. In both cases, though, there is an assumption of effort, that the comedian is写好材料。

我没有觉得从制造商更近。All I felt, right out of the gate, is annoyance, maybe even anger, that he faces criticism for his (bad) jokes. It didn’t feel like there was any effort made at all to be funny, there was just that particular resistance to change that has sunk a lot of comedians over the years. Of course, there will still be an audience for Dave Chappelle. There will be people who simply do not care about his non-jokes at the trans community’s expense—not to mention the xenophobic COVID jokes—and worse, there will be people who show up只是为了那些笑话。Chappelle曾经担心他的喜剧被错误的观众误解了,因为他在其受欢迎程度的高度走出了他的喜剧中央表演。现在,他公开诱使错误的观众来嘲笑弱势群体。

我会用英国喜剧演员詹姆斯·阿克斯珀的话来留下你的话,他们也有特殊的 - 非常值得关注Netflix。他在这里谈论ricky gervais(警告NSFW语言),但它也可能是戴夫的制造商。我很少对我曾经钦佩的人感到失望。