


令人惊讶的是,丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig)与詹姆斯·邦德(James Bond)共同做到了这一点,在贝诺伊特·布兰克(Benoit Blanc)中创造了一个完全原始的角色,围绕着该特许经营权。说到贝诺伊特,瑞安·约翰逊(Rian Johnson)在被问及贝诺伊特(Benoit)是否酷儿时才在伦敦电影节上证实了这一点:


The “obviously” part will make sense to you once you see the movie, I won’t spoil anything, we can talk more about this when more people see it but to go back to the point I just made about Daniel’s careers, and the two he’s best known for – well, one is literary and cinematic figure that so many people are familiar with who has upheld, for decades, a certain version (some might say a dated version) of masculinity. And the other, Benoit, is definitely not that. They’re both devastatingly handsome, and super suave, and very well-dressed, but Benoit is a whole different energy, and Daniel Craig is as much Benoit as he is Bond. Maybe even more? The way I see it, as a viewer, he’s certainly enjoying himself a lot more as Benoit than he is as 007.

说到007 - 他本周在温莎城堡获得了荣誉:




丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig),雷切尔·韦斯(Rachel Weisz)和芭芭拉·西兰科(Barbara Broccoli)参加了BFI伦敦电影节
丹尼尔·克雷格(Daniel Craig),雷切尔·韦斯(Rachel Weisz)和芭芭拉(Barbara Broccoli)参加了BFI伦敦电影节闭幕夜派对“玻璃洋葱:刀具之谜”,于2022年10月16日在英格兰伦敦的180 strand参加
雷切尔·韦斯(Rachel Weisz)和珍妮尔·莫妮(Janelle Monae)参加了BFI伦敦电影节闭幕之夜
Rachel Weisz和Janelle Monae参加了BFI伦敦电影节闭幕式夜晚派对“ Glass Onion:A Knives Outs Mystery”,于2022年10月16日在英格兰伦敦的Strand 180
