Duana and I will be unpacking the Constance Wu (bad) work situation onShow Your Workthis week. I get it though that it was a big story all weekend so here are some thoughts before we get into a more robust discussion about her on the podcast.

大部分对话权力的游戏最近,关于某些角色本赛季的表现是否真实。例如,提利昂是最困扰我的人。他本来应该是我们关心的所有人中最聪明的人 - 因为他一遍又一遍地说的就是他的思想。那个头脑在哪里?所有伟大的人都可以偶尔需要L,但是很难相信Tyrion的失败已经持续了这么长时间。这就是我整个周末都在想康斯坦斯·吴(Constance Wu)的想法。周五开始推文时,您的眉毛升起的部分原因是,她从不列入您的F-CK名人名单。lol比赛视频2019我们都以为她很聪明,对吗?至少比这更聪明。

如果您错过了它,这是一个快速的摘要:星期五是广播网络宣布的一天,在本周的前期之前(网络推出秋季时间表),这表明已经续签了,并且削减了哪些显示。好莱坞记者compared it to the Red Wedding. As you can imagine, for some, it’s relief, they still have a job. For others, well, it’s sh-tty, because they no longer have a job.

Constance Wu’s show,新鲜的船,这是泡沫,续签了第六个赛季。大约在新闻发布的同时,她发了推文:






If that wasn’t clear enough, she also left this comment on Instagram – like an actual typed comment:

康斯坦斯 - 第三天14月99.jpg


This is, obviously, a bad look on so many levels. Let’s start with the most basic: if Constance Wu were of the Justin Bieber generation, we wouldn’t be WTFing her outburst. It’s almost expected of those who are younger, raised on social media, who haven’t developed the hesitation muscle before reacting. A few weeks ago on社会,we interviewed Lisa Damour, about her book在压力下:面对女孩压力和焦虑的流行。丽莎(Lisa)是一位屡获殊荣的心理学家,他为纽约时报(NYT)撰写了专栏文章,她对少年大脑的描述是我从该细分市场中的主要收获之一。根据丽莎的说法,显然,青少年的大脑仍在发展。情感中心居住的大脑背面首先发展。大脑的前部是理性的,决策中心,后来发展。因此,从理论上讲,青少年首先就情感行事。丽莎将压力下的青少年大脑与雪球或充满水和闪光的球进行了比较。闪光无处不在,它没有模式,混乱的混乱。But if you set the globe down for a few minutes, the glitter will settle, the snow will start to calm – and the point here, especially as it relates to parenting teens, is that more often than not, it’s better to wait them out, to wait for their glitter to settle before engaging them. As we get older, naturally, because we are more experienced and mature, we’re better able to control the glitter, to handle our stress and confusion. In theory.

康斯坦斯·吴(Constance Wu)今年37岁。显然,她没有闪光的手柄。但这就是名望的来源。名望很棒,不是吗?它对个性的影响真是太神奇了,它可以如何f-ck来实现您。当然,您年轻的损害可能越大 - 但成年人也很容易受到影响。康斯坦斯(Constance)刚刚成为她职业生涯中最好的一年:她是十年来最成功的浪漫喜剧中的主角,她是一个主要网络上的情景喜剧的明星,她正在与詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)一起工作。她越来越多的机会来了。她一直在攀登。而且她刚刚使她的第一个主要职业偶然……在社交媒体上,具有讽刺意味的是,她一直积累了很多资金。因为康斯坦斯(Constance)是Twitter上的一个人,呼吁不平等,特权,非常正确地批评了这部大墙电影的白色救星,并利用她的平台倡导机会。

Now here she is on Twitter pulling a classic celebrity tantrum: the “poor me” pose followed by the “stop gossiping about me, that’s not what I meant” fingersnap.

不过,很难忽略的是,这不仅仅是一个爆发 - 这是一个系列。这是两条推文,还有一条回复推文,并在Instagram上发表了评论。康斯坦斯(Constance)的闪光在整个地方都飞了,可以预见,名望并没有歧视。即使在闪光有时间解决之后。因为第二天,在康斯坦斯有一些时间思考之后,她发布了更长的解释。

The middle paragraph? The one that ends with “trying my best to use [my privilege] well”? That’s good. What’s not good is much of the rest of it. What’s not good is the way “easy and pleasant” start to feel dirty in your mouth when you read her statement out loud. Especially since, for the people whose shows were cancelled, for those who have been rejected and deprived of opportunities in their careers because of inequality, for those who’ve had to walk away from opportunity because of harassment, for anyone who has to continue to work in environments that are fraught with toxicity, what they wouldn’t give for the chance at an “easy and pleasant” work experience, you know? To say nothing of whatfotbmeans for representation, five seasons and counting of representation on a major American network.

And then, there’s the breathtaking audacity at the end to remind people, almost chidingly, to “believe women”, which as we all know by now is an expression applied to NOT THIS SITUATION but situations much more traumatic, which was then mocked on周末更新SNL海蒂·加德纳(Heidi Gardner)...

Well, now Constance Wu has become a joke. Perhaps the worst part is, she’s a joke among other celebrities:

So… all that said… should Constance Wu be cancelled? Spoiler alert for显示您的工作:当然不是。

Yes, she made a mistake and doubled down on it. Yes, it’s embarrassing. But also, it makes her more interesting. I’m interested in how she comes back from it. How she will WORK to come back from it. IF she will work to come back from it. If we cancel her, we don’t get to observe that, study it, hopefully learn from it.


What would have been the best case scenario for Constance? To be able to do both, right? To continue with新鲜的船AND be in this new project she was excited about. For whatever reason, she can’t do both. That’s just one reason why she’s upset. Underneath the surface of that reason though, is WHY she couldn’t do both. Timing? Sure. Timing, though, is a privilege too. Timing is afforded to some stars and not others. The unnamed project that Constance wanted so badly presumably can’t or won’t wait for her to be clear of herfotb时间表进行生产。詹妮弗·劳伦斯(Jennifer Lawrence)会处于同一职位吗?斯嘉丽·约翰逊会吗?妮可·基德曼会吗?还是他们的项目计划容纳他们?

康斯坦斯·吴(Constance Wu)不仅受到伤害,因为她必须放弃机会。她之所以受到伤害,是因为在放弃机会时,她还面临着这样的意识到,尽管她在过去的几年中取得了成功,但她仍然不够成功,无法等待她。这是我们将深入研究的额外的复杂层展示你的工作。Wednesday!