克里斯·埃文斯(Chris Evans)和艾米丽·布朗特(Emily Blunt)在迈阿密,拍摄他们的Netflix电影痛苦的骗子。这部电影来自大卫·耶茨(David Yates),最终从哈利·波特电影宇宙,编剧和拟人化公寓楼井塔,被描述为处于华尔街的狼大短。Blunt stars as Liza Drake, a down on her luck single mom who gets involved with a failing pharmaceutical company, and I’m guessing because of the title, this is going to be about some combination of the opioid crisis, pill mills, and organized crime. There’s no word on who Evans is playing, but given that semi-skeezy goatee, I’m guessing either a pharma bro or a mid-level crime guy.

They look hot, which is a given because they are Chris Evans and Emily Blunt, but they also look hot because it’s ninety degrees down in Miami, as it is in much of the US right now (if not hotter—I see you, California), and they literally look hot, as in warm, as in heated, as in “stick your head in the freezer for a minute just to know sweet relief”. I know the pumpkin spice people are gearing up for cozy season, but I really have to ask where you live that September qualifies as “cozy season” and not “still summer” because it is one million degrees outside and the prospect of drinking hot coffee is personally overwhelming to me.