Quibi, the long awaited and much-mocked streaming platform dedicated to short-form entertainment, finally launches on April 6. (That is,assuming a lawsuitdoesn’t derail the launch.) I don’t think anything they have on tap will topDaniel Spencer’s TikTok,但我也认为短型流媒体平台是一个聪明的想法。你遇到过青少年吗?他们喜欢互联网视频,Quibi基本上是普通的互联网视频。它会吸引青少年吗?我们会看到,但至少有人试图在他们生活的年轻人见面。Quibi的Marquee展会上发布了Chrissy’s Court,当他们居住时,我希望他们最大的击中。但是还有很多其他的表演,脚本和未定性,来到Quibi,所以让我们来看看Quibi的首映式的抽样,是第一个月在下周开始还是在诉讼后未来的一些不确定的时间。


Quibi’s content comes in two formats, scripted and unscripted. Either way, shows drop in 7-10 minutes increments, which, to be honest, seems a LOT kinder to unscripted shows than scripted ones. But they have some interesting things on their scripted slate, including…


You certainly can’t accuse Quibi of skimping on talent when every project is stocked with A-listers. #FreeRayshawn stars Stephan James and Laurence Fishburne, and it’s produced by Antoine Fuqua. It has a The Negotiator crossed with你给的仇恨vibe.


Maybe it’s my current, borderline desperate need to laugh talking, but it seems like Quibi’s bite-sized format is more forgiving of comedies than it is drama and action. Case in point: the best trailer they have for scripted shows isFlipped,a comedy starring Will Forte and Kailtin Olson. Not only is that a great casting combination—they’re both GREAT physical comedians—but I can actually wrap my head around how this will work in ten minutes or less. It’s basically a sketch show that builds up one ongoing sketch. (Also, I wish we had a trailer for Anna Kendrick’s Dummy, due later in the month, but alas, we do not.)

The Fugitive

When I first saw this teaser, I thought it was a revival of 24, and now I think 24, with its “real time” format, would work very well on Quibi. Probably better than逃亡。


Someone in the casting department understands Christoph Waltz’s sexy yet stern professorial appeal. Unfortunately, he is not the star of this adaptation ofThe Most Dangerous Game,Liam Hemsworth is.


我已经有焦虑梦想飞机崩溃,我也不需要观看飞机崩溃的东西。我不做飞机崩溃。也就是说,这是最好的非喜剧脚本展示预告片Quibi已经发布到目前为止。此外,Sophie Turner的较小的一半乔乔纳斯,也有一个Quibi表演,Cup of Joe,but there is no trailer yet.


这似乎Quibi似乎注定要闪耀,尽管他们可能会支付Tiktok Teens,这是他们支付好莱坞星星的一小部分,并且至少尽可能多地获得许多有前途的表演。Quibi使用50个节目启动,因此您可以查看他们的网站if you’d like to see the full calendar. This is just an amuse bouche.

Elba vs. Block

Idris Elba.pulled an Adam Sandler and got a production company to pay for his hobby. Clearly imspired byTop Gear,Elba vs. Block坐在专业驾驶员Ken Block-Aka Top Gear的“军官块”的演员,这是一系列集会测试。我会观看整个纪录片关于获得这个节目的保险。

凶狠的女王with Reese Witherspoon

最近的一集Show Your Work所有关于瑞茜·斯坡和她的帝国,因为她是一条合法的巨头,当然她在最新的媒体平台上有一个展示。凶狠的女王is a nature documentary focused on the matriarchs of the animal kingdom—or queendom, as Reese would have it.

I Promise

I Promiseis a docu-series about the first year at Lebron James’s I Promise School in Ohio. This looks like the uplifting spirit booster we need right now. The question is, will enough people subscribe to Quibi for it to make a difference?

Murder House Flip

我辩论包括这个,因为它的味道很糟糕。我喜欢房地产博客和真正的犯罪,但是Murder House Flip致力于谋杀房屋的雷诺表演是这两件事最糟糕的组合。这是令人难以置信的旅游和剥削性,他们应该真正重新思考“也许我们会找到一个身体!”这个拖车的音调。

睡衣with Sasha Velour

This trailer doesn’t really explain what睡衣is—if you don’t already know who Sasha Velour is, what are you supposed to get from this?—but it’s a behind-the-scenes documentary about Sasha updating her drag revue into a full-blown stage show. It’s obviously meant to appeal to fans of拖拉比赛,but I’m still wondering who, exactly, is subscribing to Quibi.



Singled Out

谈到MTV复兴,Keke Palmer和Joel Kim Booster主持新版本挑出。助推器在Quibi呼叫的开发中也有第二次表演火,被描述为现代日Pride and Prejudice在火岛上设置。听起来比挑出。


至少这次节目承认其Top Gearconnection up top. Another car show, this time starring Offset—and featuring a glimpse of Cardi B in the trailer—Skrrtbasically looks like Offset got Quibi to send him to one of those rich people luxury car camps. Hey, Quibi, have I ever told you about my abiding interest in pirates and maritime history? Send me to the Caribbean and I’ll shoot an hour’s worth of footage—that’s six episodes!—about where pirate ships might be sunk.

Thanks a Million

Another one of the uplifting set, this is a show where celebrities give people who inspire them money, and then immediately take half of that money away. I mean, technically the deal is the person has to “pay it forward” by giving half their money to someone who inspires them, but really, this is like watching someone win the lottery and then pay taxes.


运动鞋文化很吸引人,所以我不能等待for Lena Waithe’s series about just that. Besides comedy shorts, this seems like the best use of Quibi: interesting topics delivered as morsels of entertainment, like mini-docs optimized for your commute. If, you know, we ever start commuting again.

附上 - 芦苇湖今天在洛杉矶散步。