Bawdy,Brassy and Sassy的Redband拖车Booksmartdropped yesterday about 12 hours after the film's world premiere at SXSW, where it debuted to raucous laughterand a standing ovation。Standing ovations at SXSW aren't necessarily a thing,unless you're Boyz II Men。Sure, this isn't as formal as Cannes, or as prestigious and all-encompassing as TIFF, or as low key as NYFF or Tribeca. But SXSW has its own flavour. And it was the perfect fit forBooksmart'年代发射。

Bridesmaids, 21 Jump Street, NeighboursandTrainwreck是在奥斯丁首映的众多真正的喜剧片之一,现在Booksmartcould join that list. It's an outrageous ode to friendship. Beanie Feldstein, who made my heart sing as Juliein my favourite movie of the last few years,Lady Bird, shines here in the "titular role" as Molly, the high school class president, overachiever and aspiring RBG. Her best friend? That's Amy (Kaitlyn Dever), another smart, Type A teenager eager to explore her sexuality, with a crush on the coolest skater girl in school. You better believe there's an Avril Lavigne reference. Whereas Molly is in your face and hyper-assertive, Amy's more of a quiet leader. But they love each other, and roast each other, in the way best friends do. Especially since graduation is tomorrow. When Molly and Amy discover their more sexually aggressive or party-friendly peers also got into schools like Yale, Harvard, Stanford or Columbia, they make a pact to go ham for their last night together as high school students.

电影中的青少年在自己的皮肤上是自信的和舒适的。有些是公开的酷儿,有些是戏剧的书呆子,然后有您必要的酷家伙和乔克。这是您在一千次之前见过的倾向上令人耳目一新的旋转。艾米的性好奇心也有真正的温柔和关心。这种敏感性可能是由于书籍是由四个妇女撰写的事实:艾米丽·哈珀(Emily Halpern),莎拉·哈斯金斯(Sarah Haskins),苏珊娜·福格尔(Susanna Fogel)和凯蒂·西尔弗曼(Katie Silverman)。或奥利维亚·王尔德(Olivia Wilde)在相机后面的精致触摸。这部电影的拍摄精美,是雄心勃勃的长度首演。有娃娃木偶,几个无檐小便帽场景(奥利维亚(Olivia)给人们我们想要的东西!),在战斗比赛中,宽广的特写镜头华丽,彻底的艰巨的镜头。整部电影看起来像是一位精美的Instagram fef,洛杉矶高中的女孩,充满活力的照明,镜头,霓虹灯和阳光。在小组讨论中,奥利维亚(Olivia)称赞她的“最好的朋友”里德·莫拉诺(Reed Morano)帮助她从表演到导演,因为里德自己让摄影师到导演与她一起跳跃Meadowland。她还说,她主演并制作饮酒伙伴的经验使她有信心指导。所有的工作都得到了回报。Booksmart令人印象深刻。这是一部比需要的电影要好。

The Superbad comparisons come naturally. They're both R-rated coming of age movies, filled with various rites of passage and hilarious supporting characters. But especially so, since that kickstarted Beanie's brother Jonah Hill's career. At the Booksmart women panel yesterday, Beanie admitted her brother (whom she and Olivia both dubbed her biggest fan) has not yet seen the movie, and said that theSuperbad比较是flattering, yet added that the movie wasn't just about the amazing jokes, but also about the bond between Seth and Evan. She said she has not seen the movie since she was about 12, but that her favourite part about it was the "boop" moment when Seth (Jonah) taps Evan (Michael Cera)在鼻子上。莫莉(Molly)和艾米(Amy)分享了塞思(Seth)和埃文(Evan)的氛围。

If there is a criticism ofBooksmartthough, it's that sometimes, you can see the effort. Some scenes are clunky, or overstuffed with exposition and rah rah girl power references. It's reminiscent ofJuno, in that sense. I would have preferred to see a slightly extended version of the film to stretch out the story with more scenes from the strong supporting cast. Olivia's partner Jason Sudeikis as the principal? Will Forte and Lisa Kudrow as Amy's parents? I want more!

Speaking of Jason Sudeikis, he and Olivia are still going strong. I love them together. She gave him a few shout-outs at theBooksmart面板星期一。在周日,这也是她35岁生日的周日,她在舞台上庆祝“一生中最伟大的一天”Booksmart派对之后,杰森看着。另一个派对“夫妇”?Pals Ben Platt和Beanie。本的电影Run this Townpremiered on Saturday, and he and Beanie go way, way, way back. He seemed elated for her, and took a photo near her seat at the premiere, to commemorate her moment, and a movie about BFFs.