
哈利一直在促销哈利的房子这几天在纽约。1zplay昨天这是何ward Stern and everyone should know by now that when you agree to be on Howard Stern, he’ll ask you anything he wants to ask – and more often than not it’ll get personal. So Olivia Wilde and Taylor Swift came up. I haven’t listened to the interview myself so I can’t comment on his reactions, his tone of voice, and how he responded in context to some of Howard’s nosy questions (and to be clear, I LIKE that Howard is nosy), but from the coverage I’ve read,包括广告牌的回答,他小心翼翼地避免说什么过于具体,并且没有散发出太多的八卦声音。lol赛事中心

当霍华德(Howard不用担心亲爱的。当霍华德问歌曲“ Cinema”中的歌词是否……


…were about Olivia, he just confirmed that most of his songs start out as “mine” and that “it’s important to write from whatever you’re going through at the time” which probably isn’t all that satisfying for the gossips but titillating enough to imagine what he’s doing to make a woman wet. I mean, I think by this point, not to be too obvious, but after “Watermelon Sugar”, I feel like we all want to believe Harry Styles knows what he’s doing.

至于泰勒(Taylor),哈利(Harry)的房子里有一首歌,叫做“日光”,泰勒·斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)有一首名为“日光”的歌曲,但是当霍华德(Howard)提出这一点时,哈利(Harry)只是否认有任何联系。因此,总而言之,采访中没有任何戏剧性或阴谋,这并不奇怪,因为到目前为止,哈利已经做了这么长时间了,他知道在参加名望游戏时付出了什么以及付出多少。毕竟,他是专业名人。




今日秀顺便说一句,通过使用GIF和其他Harry内容来炸毁自己的Twitter提要,从而充分利用了这一点 - 我明白了,您最好还是充分利用了他的外表。他给了好GIF!

I can’t say up until recently that I’ve had Harry high on my list of concert wishes but I think I might be moving him way up because all I ever see from him when he’s on stage is big energy and big love. And he’s been at this for a while – starting from the One Direction days, over a decade now of mega fame and crushing scrutiny, and not only does he seem to have come through it without resentment but the more famous he gets, the more… free he seems?! He never looks tight or tense to me. He’s always present, unrestrained, and the most vital thing, that one quality I keep highlighting for what we look for in an entertainer: he’s having a really good time.

Which, for me, is what makes him so attractive. Harry Styles is f-cking hot. He’s only getting hotter and hotter. So hot in his interview with Zane Lowe that was released earlier this week – the outfit, the hair, his voice…

…尽管在英格兰,他们痴迷于他的口音,以及它的变化如何,这不是当有人旅行世界并在世界各地度过时光时会发生什么?当我读到这样的事情时,我变得如此偏执,以至于我对加拿大口音更加努力(我可以在伦敦的最后几天听到自己的声音,在我谈论时努力进行“ Ah-Boot”),以反应not wanting to become an eye-roll when I speak but then I’m like… well, sh-t, if you’re TRYING to sound MORE Canadian, is that contrived in and of itself?

抱歉,这是一个怪异的切线,与哈利无关 - 关键是他很热,无论他的口音是什么,我都会在周末度过一部分,并让我知道您的想法。

也附带了 - 今天在伦敦的奥利维亚·王尔德(Olivia Wilde)。