
房颤ter a brief sneak peek, we heard Chris Harrison’s voice narrate the preview for the “After The Final Rose” special – and it’s embarrassing at this point. The show claims it is supporting Chris’s decision to take a step back to educate himself when he’s literally still doing voiceovers...and对于一个专注于他自己的种族争议的特殊性。即使在上周发作后暴露出展示在决策职位方面缺乏多样性,他们再次做了一些愚蠢的事情。有人甚至不再惊讶了吗?如果它意味着我们意味着我们的方式,我的方式将被替换为整个生产团队,但足够的这个克里斯谈了,因为我很兴奋,终于看到了埃曼纽尔·凯洛在我屏幕上的美丽笑容。我很了解他们在前两分钟内显示的预览包括如何将其挖掘到Rachael参与安排主题派对。使用电视,第一个时刻可以制作或打破观众的决定才能保持调整。我很欣赏展示主题前沿和中心的展示。


Eventually the conflict was revealed after a conversation he had with his mom. Suddenly Matt had doubts about proposing. But why be the lead unless you were confident you were ready to at least get engaged? I can’t help but wonder if producers coerced him into saying yes to the role back in the summer when they were facing pressure to diversify the cast. ICYMI,Matt was originally part of Clare Crawley’s season, but was then cast as the Bachelor. I’ve always thought that was pretty suspicious on the show’s part.

On Matt’s final date with Michelle, he decided to break up with her after she gifted him matching jerseys that said “Mr. James” and “Mrs. James”. Talk about a cringe moment. Even though it seemed as though Rachael automatically won, Matt decided to cancel his final date with her to think about whether or not he wanted to propose to her. Instead of explaining what was going on, they sent Chris Harrison to let her know the date was cancelled with not much detail at all. However, on decision day, Matt did something that hasn’t been done since 2014. Instead of proposing, he decided to pursue a committed relationship with Rachael, which is probably the normal “off-camera” thing to do. WeBachelor Nation粉丝们倾向于忘记有时。

为什么没有特别的生活?有些报道说,在他们开始射击下一个赛季之前,允许船员有足够的时间来隔离 - 这是他们的官方解释;不正当的解释可能是这样,在涉及到展会的控制方面可以涵盖所有基础。能够选择我们在某些时期看到的面部表情,编辑可能对故事情节的看法产生巨大影响。

But I LOVED how真实的伊曼纽尔正在保持它。希望克里斯在家里看着笔记,因为克里斯肯定知道如何在灌木丛中击败。首先,米歇尔谈到它如何尝试处理分手。她还向我们透露,犹思拒绝在他们分手时拒绝给她几分钟。yikes。Emmanuel还要求米歇尔关于Chris和Rachael的种族主义行为的想法,她提到了她提到的是如何履行它是多么读取有前途的改变的陈述,没有任何行动。她不能更好地说。本赛季,该节目证明,无论发布多少PR陈述,他们都没有完全准备或愿意为本赛季成功进行所需的变革,以赋予所需的变化。拥有最多样化的铸件The Bachelor不会是足够的;表述行为的。


So after seeing his pain, it was no surprise that Matt ended things with Rachael. While speaking with Emmanuel, she did take accountability. And don’t get me wrong-- her taking responsibility is the bare minimum. But I commend her for being careful not to make this about herself. Emmanuel asked why she waited so long to release an apology, and she said it was so she understood the gravity of everything. Even though she seems to be doing the work and making strides to be better, it doesn’t seem like Matt is going to be getting back with her. For everyone who might be saying he should give her another chance, we also have to remember that this is not just something he can brush off. His Blackness is his life, and he said himself that her not understanding the gravity of being Black in America is what changed things for him. He shouldn’t have had to explain to her why going to a plantation party was messed up. It’s obvious he still has feelings for her, but that just isn’t enough. Sure, maybe the show didn’t deliberately intend to be ignorant in how they handled everything, but that isn’t enough. Being the Bachelor isn’t enough. The followers on Instagram will never be enough. Because when your存在直接和间接地攻击,很难反弹。随着马特挣扎着找到了这些话,沉默说这一切。本赛季是垃圾箱火灾。如果它教我们任何东西,那就是这样The Bachelorin its entirety has a lot of work to do.

在展会的最后,它宣布粉丝收藏凯蒂·瑟斯顿和米歇尔·杨将成为背靠背赛季的下一个学士。几天前也透露了这一点克里斯哈里森不会在下一个赛季回来The Bachelorette。相反,它将被前的Bachelorettes Tayshia Adams和Kaitlyn Bristowe主办。所以我们将能够看到他们是否真的很快地关心工作。