(Lainey: I edit almost every post that goes up on this site. I have not read this post. And I’m sad about that because I love reading Sarah’s articles so much. But I’m also trying to go into Avengers: Endgame as clean as possible and while Sarah has assured us that she’s written a UNspoilery review below, and that she’s given ample warning where necessary, she’s signed off on me not editing it because she doesn’t want to be blamed for whatever dramatics I might cook up when and after I see it - because I KNOW I’m going to be dramatic. Anyway, the point is, I’ve decided my fate. Your fate is in your hands. If you’ve already seen it, and many of you have because you keep emailing me, I’m sure you’ll enjoy this.)


I didn’t have super high hopes for复仇者:最终游戏。Avengers:无限战争was big, unwieldy, and representative of thebest and worstin Marvel movies. It seemed like team-up movies on this scale were just too big to do anything other than thrust a metric ton of plot at you as quickly as possible, only to still run long. There’s no room for character development or actual story, and while individual moments could shine, overall it seemed the most we could hope for was a coherent but messy super-sized pack of farewells from Endgame. Boy, was that assumption wrong.复仇者:最终游戏很大,很长,塞满了东西。但这是超级有趣的,非常激动的,非常令人满意。而且,令人惊讶的是,存在着实际的,诚实的角色发展和通过所有情节发生的真实故事(情节=发生了什么,故事=为什么会发生和含义)。

如果你decide to walk away from Marvel movies now, you can do so afterEndgamesatisfied. This IS an actual conclusion to a franchise that seemed uninterested in actual endings. ButEndgameneatly clips off the many threads introduced over eleven years and twenty-plus movies of storytelling. The original Avengers have a proper swan song, and it is resonant and satisfying. It feels like a real farewell. But it also pulls a neat trick of setting up the next generation of heroes without actually starting up any new plot for them.Endgame结束时,这是一个最后的结论,但是对未来仍然有希望,这使下一代可以建立一些东西。这是作家克里斯托弗·马库斯(Christopher Markus)和斯蒂芬·麦克菲利(Stephen McFeely)的一个非常整洁的技巧,导演乔和安东尼·鲁索(Anthony Russo)。

But just so you know, if you are checking for the new heroes, even the newly-minted Captain Marvel, don’t hold your breath. This is very much the story of the original Avengers, and the new heroes are just there to offer support in key moments. Anyone who thought Carol Danvers was going to storm in and solve every problem can relax. She makes a difference, yes, but this is not her story.Endgamebelongs to the original Avengers, and with the exception of Nebula, Rocket, and Scott Lang, who all have major roles, the original Avengers carry the movie. And they carry it well—this is the best performance for many of the OG cast (the Chrises Evans and Hemsworth for sure, Jeremy Renner finally has something to do, and RDJ gets a new side of Tony Stark to play with). Also,Endgamelooks a LOT better than无限战争which makes no sense because the same people made them both at the same time, but I’m chalking it up toEndgamehaving less overall action and more chances to perform actual cinema.

A final note before spoilers: Yes, the movie is long, and yes, at one point, it FEELS long. But no, there is no good place for a bathroom break. Every minute of screen time is going somewhere and doing something. So go in dry and plan on staying in your seat. Good news, though, is that there are no post-credit stingers, so once credits roll, you can sprint to the bathroom.



如果不介绍至少一个故事,以任何有意义的方式讨论这部电影几乎是不可能的。是的,这部电影有时间跳跃。它在快照后的几周内开放,其余的复仇者试图找出他们的下一步行动。卡罗尔·丹佛斯(Carol Danvers)出现并鼓励团队追赶萨诺斯(Thanos),将石头恢复原状,并用它们将所有人带回来。这最终是不可能的,复仇者必须返回家园并吞下他们的失败,并尝试继续前进。在几年的过程中,事实证明,对于一群自称为“复仇者联盟”的人来说,这是不可能的。

Well, almost impossible. One of them does, effectively, move on. But the others struggle, andEndgameactually lets us live with their grief and pain for quite a long time. The sense of loss and mourning is palpable, and Endgame does not short-change this part of the journey. The Avengers have to learn to live with the loss because even if they can undo Thanos’ snap, they still lost people along the way they can’t get back. AndEndgamehonors that, the permanence of some, if not all, the loss. The emotional core of this movie is surprisingly strong.

But then they do attempt to unf-ck Thanos’ mess, and the middle section ofEndgame可以说是漫威(Marvel)致力于相机的最有趣的事情。从本质上讲,这是“漫威的最大热门歌曲”,使Russo兄弟有机会从略有不同的角度重现著名的漫威场景。在著名动作场景中的一个这样的即兴演奏非常出色 - 当您看到它时,您会知道它,请相信我。它还使几乎所有曾经出现过Marvel电影的演员都回来了最后一次欢呼,对于长期的球迷来说,这是一种有趣的告别方式。不过,它绝对只适合粉丝。Endgamedoes not work as a stand-alone, and it is not interested in catering to the uninitiated. This movie rewards the long-time viewers who have seen every movie and remember all the in-jokes and callbacks.

复仇者:最终游戏is a massive undertaking, huge in scale, yet it feels much more intimate than无限战争。That is undoubtedly because the story is focused on fewer characters, and for all the grand spectacle of无限战争,I much prefer the narrower focus ofEndgame。这个故事更强大,角色更具吸引力,这又使回报更加有意义。你会笑的,是的,你可能会哭泣(我做了两次,我不是电影制片)。然后,您将对复仇者队的应得满意。Endgameis a summer camp goodbye—sad for the friends we won’t see again, but happy for the time we got to spend together.Endgamemakes sure it was time spent well.