
在哪里接正义联盟离开,亚瑟·库里(Arthur Curry)(杰森·莫莫亚(Jason Momoa)) is wandering around the ocean, saving people at random. Today he is saving a submarine attacked by high-tech pirates, in the process of which he leaves a pirate to die, inadvertently creating a villain, Black Manta (Yahya Abdul-Mateen II). This, right here, is enough to start a movie. You have a hero whose moral compass isn’t fully developed, introduction of conflict, and the creation of a villain. That’s all you need to begin a superhero story! Surely this is whatAquaman关于?大声笑不,这是一个冷开的寒冷和黑色蝠ta只是多余的SH-T,甚至不需要在电影中出现。

After this relatively normal start,Aquaman每小时以每小时200英里的速度行驶,从悬崖上驶入疯狂的BATSH-T海。您必须知道的第一件事是,Aquaman不知道任何人多大了。有一个引用的二十岁的跳跃意味着亚瑟(Arthur)是39岁的莫莫阿(Momoa)扮演的二十多岁,而四十五岁的帕特里克·威尔逊(Patrick Wilson)是他的弟弟。威廉·达福(Willem Dafoe妮可·基德曼不老龄,她只是加入疯狂的麦克斯:海洋路。任何人都应该年龄多大,实际上花了多少时间是一个年龄段的谜。

您需要知道的另一件事是,这是一部电影,人们经常说“海洋大师”,没有人笑。每个人都想成为海洋大师。亚瑟(Arthur)的同父异母兄弟国王(Wilson)国王(Wilson)试图将水下王国团结成为海洋大师。他说:“称我为海洋大师”,脸上完全直表,所以帕特里克·威尔逊(Patrick Wilson)值得获得特殊的奥斯卡。亚瑟(Arthur)可能是海洋大师,因为他可以与鱼类交谈,这被描绘成一种心灵感应的东西,而不是真实的说话,因为这种特许经营必须为续集节省一些东西。和梅拉(琥珀听到)可能是海洋大师,因为她的整个交易都在控制所有水,这是海洋大师的关键要求。但Aquamanis also a movie where the very obviously more capable female character is sidelined for no good reason so that the bumbling dude can be the hero.

Mera sh-t。她是迄今为止最酷的事情in this movie. Her power looks awesome, she doesn’t need a fancy fork to use it, and she is the one who knows all the stuff and does all the useful things to make the story happen. And her power is such that she could go around pulling all the water from a body and leaving it a desiccated mummy husk, but is that what she does? No, for Mera has STYLE. Instead she yanks wine out of bottles to make WINE DAGGERS, which are way cooler and more insane than a fancy fork. Also, she rides an orca into battle, so there’s that.


- 不知道任何人多大了
- ocean大师
- 含匕首

该情节实际上很聪明,在亚瑟王的传奇上很聪明,因为亚瑟·库里必须找到一个神秘的武器(上述的花哨的叉子),只有他才能取回yadda yadda。但是情节也很疯狂,有一场鼻子水下角斗士死亡比赛,螃蟹人,Kaiju,Hollow Earth侏罗纪公园和巨型钓鱼者怪物。听起来很多吗?这是。很多。这几乎没有刮擦怪异和愚蠢的Aquaman的表面 - 亚瑟感叹不撒尿,这是那个场景中第五次最愚蠢和第三的最怪异的东西。

我相信导演詹姆斯·万(詹姆斯·万(James Wan)魔术还有其他恐怖电影的味道令人难以置信,但他也知道如何利用它来发挥自己的优势,制作一部如此怪异和愚蠢的电影,很难抗拒它的陌生感。他制作了一部非常漂亮的电影 - 阿特兰蒂斯是一件令人叹为观止的霓虹灯。真是太漂亮了,你不禁要问Aquaman刚刚从传闻的水下头像世界中获得了一些先发制人的光芒。合法的视觉效果的结合 - 水下战是惊人的 - 完全是邦克斯的故事和角色点,这是最近记忆中最奇怪的超级英雄电影(是的,比毒液陌生!)。我并不是说Aquaman很好。但这是非常可观的,完全疯狂的时光。我认为你不能问更多Aquaman电影比变得非常愚蠢和愉快。