Last night was the single biggest professional event of John Boyega’s life, no hyperbole. He is starring in the biggest movie of all time. He has been given one of the two primary roles in the biggest movie of all time. And this is how he showed up:

Fresh to death.

Showing some serious style personality.


The purple? The waistcoat? The lapels? The bow tie?


Have you seen John’s interview with Katie Couric? They’re touring through the Star Wars exhibit. You get a sense of his personality, his respect, his enthusiasm, his respect for the world he’s become a part of. When he imitates Harrison Ford as Han Solo shooting, it’s adorable. You get to see him now, in the beginning. And it’s worth the watch for gossip homework to archive because we can compare and contrast whether or not he will change between this movie and the third movie, or the fourth, or however many they do – a proper long range study in celebrity.