我一直想知道它已经有好几个星期了 - 本·阿弗莱克会出现在嫁给我吧与珍妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez)的红地毯一样最后一场对决招标酒吧红地毯?答案是肯定的。他不仅出现了,他们正好服务了我们所有人都想看到的东西。而且我不是指公众表达感情,而是他的一般,明确的意愿。Ben这里有零不情愿的事情,他全都伴随着肢体语言,眼神交流,热情。看这个节目?我喜欢这个节目。

本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)和詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez
本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)和詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez






During the interview, JLo does talk about getting back together with Ben but it’s along the same lines of what she’s been saying for weeks – they’re treasuring the second chance they’ve been given, they learned so much for their experience being together all those years ago and are trying to protect what they have, nothing new here.

但这并不意味着她不深人nal about other family matters, especially as she relates to her character in the movie, a global superstar who seems to have it all but has to deal with the humiliations and tensions that accompany that level of fame. I’m not sure if they get all that deep into it in the movie but she’s pretty revealing in Rolling Stone about how her celebrity has affected her relationships:

“再说一次,她不确定她的父母了解她。“他们怎么可能?”她问。“我认为他们对我的生活感到困惑。”他们并不孤单。“当一个人在家庭中成名时,会引起很多不和谐。双方都可能很复杂。It got complicated for me, like, ‘Is this still, you know, my family who loves me and accepts me and understands me and feels like I’m the same person, or do they see me as different as well?’ For them, it was like, ‘OK, well, now she’s this, and what does that mean? How much do I expect? How much do I ask for and how much do I not?’ There’s confusion. There’s resentment and very mixed, complicated, adult feelings. You know, ‘What is all this?’”


最近,Jlo在最近的新闻机会中似乎也打了另一个主题 - 她仍然将自己视为弱者。这里的反射反应可能是让您的眼睛睁开眼睛,因为她是詹妮(Jennifer Lopez),珍妮(Jenny)的詹妮(Jenny),几乎没有多脑化(vocab throwback!),他们在业务中拥有长寿和成功。不过,有时候,当您到处都是她的身边,并且只要她拥有的长期,人们就会忘记她必须吸收的打击。滚石乐队文章中有整个部分,提醒读者,2001年专辑J.Lo和电影婚礼策划人,她是同一周在票房上第一位在票房上发行第一张专辑和#1电影的女性。虽然每卷石:

“他们没有受到庆祝,而是批评。他们边缘化。他们减少了她。他们永远不会把它交给她。”她的朋友和制作伙伴Elaine Goldsmith-Thomas说。“这是一个拥有第一部电影和第一张专辑的女人。那从未发生过。他们正在写关于浮肿的文章。[一年后]曼哈顿的女仆排名第一。但这是媒体所说的:“本·阿弗莱克(Ben Affleck)在帮助下睡觉。”她只是没有得到另一个荣誉 - 我不知道该怎么说 - 白人女演员得到了。我知道,因为我和他们一起工作。”

南方公园(South Park)在一集中嘲笑她的拉丁文遗产(Latin Heritage),称她为“卑鄙的bit子”。柯南·奥布赖恩(Conan O’Brien)说,作为素描中这对夫妇的备用,他将“我们的剧本实习生”扮演Affleck和“我们的清洁女士”为Lopez。”

同样,在文化中,这些细节被遗忘了。对于那些经历了他们的人,即使她是詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez),您也永远不会忘记。因为虽然这可能是20年前的十年前,但她“基本上是破产”。

“In fact, one of the defining features of Lopez’s fame is that, despite the wealth and luxury it has provided, there is still that disconnect — between where Lopez came from and where she is, but also between where she is and where she thinks she could be. One year she was on the cover of 46 magazines. Her music has helped make Latin pop mainstream. But she never won that Golden Globe. Nor was she nominated for an Oscar despite near-universal consensus that she should have been. It wasn’t even that long ago that she was basically broke. This was when her twins, Emme and Max, were toddlers and she was in the process of divorcing Anthony and her label had dropped her and her album sales were lackluster and she was over 40 and no one would cast her in their movie and she wanted to trade in a car. “And my business manager was like, ‘Nope, you can’t do anything right now,’” she says. “I was like, ‘Really?’ He’s like, ‘Yeah, let’s not make any moves right now. Let’s just wait until you can work again.’”

那是之前美国偶像。It’s my job to know this and I’m pretty sure I didn’t know this so it’s definitely not JLo 101. Yes, there was all kinds of debate and speculation at the time about whether or not it was a good move for her and she was advised by some to not take that job but it wasn’t widely known that there were almost no other jobs for her to take, and so she does what JLo has always done – turned a less than ideal opportunity into a golden one. In the decade since美国偶像,JLO的职业生涯最高水平很大,显然是一个主要职业生涯的低点。

回到她的感觉,就像是弱者一样,这是解释的一部分。这是塑造和告知她所有决定的态度。现在在她50多岁的时候,过去的“基本上破产”了美国偶像时期,她仍然不觉得所有房间都向她开放 - 她带来了收据。这已经是十年的不间断决心和工作:美国偶像,舞蹈世界,蓝色阴影,音乐发行,世界巡演,皮肤护理系列,超级碗半场表演,骗子,在这里抚养双胞胎,滚石乐队的段落在这里详细介绍了她最后十年的喧嚣,就像一个失控的冰分配器一样……


“……她仍然不经常考虑坚韧,艰苦的零件。她说:“当他们在年底上映时,我什至不知道他们的一半。”“我拥有世界上的顶级代理商,但[这些项目]并没有来找我。”她创立了Nuyorican Productions(既生产骗子又嫁给我),特别是“掌握我的职业”。

这些是收据。她不是在撒谎。您可以成为詹妮弗·洛佩兹(Jennifer Lopez),没有人向您发送脚本。但是后来有妮可·基德曼(Nicole Kidman)被要求扮演露西尔·鲍尔(Lucille Ball)。关键是,至少我们有机会争论妮可是否适合该部分。JLO甚至没有进入对话的那个阶段。她是jlo!



这听起来像是一种鞭打,但JLO与她的制作公司Nuyorican一起支持,找到并资助了自己的项目。骗子很受欢迎。嫁给我吧可能不是。但是她与Netflix达成协议,第一部电影今年出版了。这就是JLO的事情 - 她从不落下,她的反弹能力令人惊讶。