珍妮弗·洛佩兹亚历克斯·罗德里格斯(Alex Rodriguez)在巴哈马度过了一个周末。我应该告诉你那是“浪漫”的米布雷克。但是我拒绝了。因为现在,我觉得这对夫妻不会坐在这里,尽管在纸上,这似乎是如此重要。e!消息旅行中有低质量的PAP镜头。您可以看到他倾斜在她的脖子上,她抚摸着他的头。然后昨天她Instagramed然后删除这张照片(单击完整图像):


AROD试图重写他的声誉。他现在是一个广播员。即使他掺杂,撒谎和否认,是一名球员,也有许多人认为他是一个出色的广播员。So he’s fresh into a new job, just as a new season of baseball is beginning, and now he has a new girlfriend, one of the most famous, sexiest women in the world, what a GREAT way to boost his profile when her profile never needed boosting and it would have the same no matter who she was dating. So… I just… I just don’t love that she could be used. Don’t f-cking tell me this guy doesn’t know how to use people.
